10401 工程學群 資訊工程學系

離散數學〡Offered in English

韓永楷 教授


國立清華大學資訊工程學系    特聘教授

香港大學計算機科學系    博士

【經歷】 國立清華大學97、103、110傑出教學獎
【網站】 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7bMQ4KAAAAAJ&hl=en
【授課】 料結構、離散數學、隨機演算法
【專長】 資料結構、演算法



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2024-08-14 2024.3/27中技社:AI在服務領域應用研討會(線上與實體同步)敬邀您的熱情參與!
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2024-08-14 10920趙啟超教授離散數學版書上架通知 !!
2024-08-14 2024年9月-11月開放式課程工讀招募至8/23(五)12:00截止,工讀履歷隨到隨審,謝謝!
2024-08-14 恭賀 ! 李敏校資長 榮獲113年教育部師鐸獎!
2024-07-26 OCW❤️EMI -清華電資領航、迎戰未來! 由清華電資堅強的師資陣容為您打造邏輯思維與推理能力,讓您學習UPDATE贏在起跑點 !!
2024-06-28 【2024開放式課程*超猛筆記大募集】我們深信學習不是少數人的事,而是所有人的事,敬邀您的熱血參與!!!
2021-11-09 【課程】韓永楷教授離散數學2018與2019年考試題庫!
2015-07-30 【教材】2014年韓永楷教授離散數學教材專區隆重登場囉!



This course is about the study of discrete objects, and is one of the foundation courses in Computer Science. We will introduce a couple of basic concepts, and we hope that through the understanding of these concepts, we can strengthen our ability to understand a problem formulation, define a new problem, think critically......


Course Description
    This course is about the study of discrete objects, and is one of the foundation courses in Computer Science. We will introduce a couple of basic concepts, and we hope that through the understanding of these concepts, we can strengthen our ability to understand a problem formulation, define a new problem, think critically, and analyse the correctness and efficiency of a solution to a problem.  
Text Book
ntroduction to Combinatorial Mathematics by C. L. Liu
iscrete and Combinatorial Mathematics by R. P. Grimaldi
Teaching Method    
Lectures and Tutorials
  (Lectures in English, Tutorial before Each Exam) 



     Here are the topics that I intend to cover:
♠   Logic (Propositional Logic, Predicate,Calculus, Rules of Inference)
♠   Proofs (Methods and Strategies, Math,Induction, Pigeonhole Principle)
♠  Counting (Basic, Permutation andCombination)
♠  Sets, Functions, and Relations
♠  Graphs (Introduction, Euler and Hamilton, Paths, Planar Graphs)
♠  Trees (Introduction, Optimal Prefix Code,Minimu Spanning Trees) 




  • 英文課程
  • Offered in English
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Logical operatoers
  • Predicate
  • Valid argument forms
  • Pigeonhole Principle
  • Combinations & Penmutations


韓永楷 教授

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