09701 人文社會學群 歷史研究所


張元 教授


國立清華大學歷史所   特聘教授
臺灣大學歷史學          博士

【榮譽】 國立清華大學78、83、86學年度傑出教學獎
【教學】 中國通史、史籍導讀、通鑑研讀、中國史問題討論、

【研究】 宋史、歷史教學、中國思想史、古代史學史
  【經歷】    國立清華大學歷史研究所榮譽退休教授





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2014-01-01 【管理】預祝您新年快樂!
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2012-03-27 【管理】傾聽您的心聲,請您踴躍填卷!!
2012-01-31 【管理】中國通史考古題專區



山不在高,有仙則名, 水不在深,有龍則靈。 斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。-陋室銘! 朗誦著這淡泊名利的詩詞,您想吸收中華文化五千年所累積下來的文化結晶嗎? 
“Known will a low hill be if the a fairy dwell; charmed will a shallow water be if a dragon reside; and fames will a humble house be if a virtuous person lives”.
An Eulogy on My Humble Abode Do you want to know the wisdom of Chinese culture embedded in the beautiful poetry?


Description of the course

The content of this course is basically the same as in “History of China(a)”. The only difference is that I will focus more on the discussions on ’evolution’ and ’development’. Students who have taken ’History of China (a)’ are allowed to drop out this course.  History is the knowledge determined by time. Also, evolution and development are important issues in this course. However, it is people’s efforts that caused major changes and promoted the overall development in history. Therefore, the characters’ performances and people’s attitude will be the main point in this course. With professor’s instruction, students will be led into the ancient history of China to find out the historical condition which people encountered, to learn about the way of solving problems, and to appreciate the noble sentiments of some historical characters. In this way, students will be able to experience the pleasure of learning history, and expand their living experiences.

In order to make students understand how we comprehend the past, the historians’ viewpoints and their arguments will be introduced in this course. Also, some other related materials will be given in class, and five papers with academic significances will be given to the students after class. By those practices, it should be beneficial to improve students’ ability of ’historical thinking’.


一、 張光直:〈連續與破裂:一個文明起源新說的草稿〉
二、 李學勤:《青銅器的奧秘》
三、 錢穆:〈中國道家思想的開山大宗師——莊周〉
四、 沈剛伯:〈法家的淵源、演變及其影響〉
五、 李長之:《司馬遷的人格與風格》
六、 蕭啟慶:〈北亞游牧民族南侵各種原因的檢討〉
七、 田餘慶:《東晉門閥政治》



  • 中國通史History of China
  • 歷史思維能力Historical Thinking Skills
  • 史前時代Prehistoric era
  • 夏、商、周Xia Shang and Zhou
  • 春秋戰國Spring and Autumn
  • 英雄的時代Time for Heroes


張元 教授

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