10102 工程學群 材料科學工程學系


黃倉秀 教授




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倉秀哥大愛無私地奉獻材料熱力學的講義, 幫助學弟妹有效率地學習。老師的講義已經整理好課堂上的內容,若是同學能自己動手記錄下課堂上的重點,配合老師的講義內容,相信更能事半功倍加深記憶。Professor Tsung-Shiew Huang lights up your road of learning Thermodynamics of Materials. Professor Huang’s lecture notes give you wings.  

       Course Description

      This course will review the three laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic functions, such as heat capacity, entropy, enthalpy, free energy. And we will explain the microscopic meaning of entropy by statistical thermodynamics, the basic mathematics for derivation of some important thermodynamic equations, the concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium for the phase transition of unary system.Thermodynamics of gas phase mixing, properties of ideal and real solutions of condensed matter, the relationship between binary phase diagram and Gibbs free energy curves, and the concepts of reaction equilibrium will be explained.Thermodynamic concepts for phase transitionsand chemicalreaction are discussed.

 R.A. Swalin,"Thermodynamics of Solids", 2nd ed., 1972 
 R.T. DeHoff:"Thermodynamics in Materials Science", 1993 
     Teaching Method
   ♠ 課堂講授,討論,考試Lecture, discussion, examination 
【第1週】Ch.1~8 Review of fundamental Thermodynamics(I):
 1.Scope of Materials Thermodynamics
2.Laws of Thermodynamics
3.Definitions of thermodynamic functions and some important parameters4.Variation of V, S, H, G as a function of T, P.
 【第2週】Ch.1~8 Review of fundamental Thermodynamics(II):
 1.Calculation of S, H, G and S, H, G for temperature changes at constant P
2.Application of Gibbs-Helmholtz Eq., Clapeyron Eq., Clausius-Clapeyron Eq
3.G(T,P) for a single phase substance and two-phases equilibrium.
 【第3週】Ch.1~8 Review of fundamental Thermodynamics(II):
 1.Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Gas and Ideal Gas Mixture
2.Thermodynamic Treatment of Nonideal Gas (Real Gas)
 【第4週】Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(I):
 1.Raoult’s law and Henry’s law
2.Activity of a component in solution
3.Gibbs-Duhem equation
4.Relation between G and  of binary solution
5.Relation between ai,and ,GM
6.Method of graphical determination of   from  GM
 【第5週】Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(II):
 1.Properties of ideal solution
2.Nonideal solution
3.Application of Gibbs-Duhem equation (1-2).
 【第6週】Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(III):
 1.Apllication of Gibbs-Duhem equation(3)
2.Regular solution
3.Non-regular solution
 【第7週】Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(IV):
 1.Quasi-chemical model of solutions
2.Calculation examples.
 【第8週】Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(I): 
 1.GM (XB) curve of a homogeneous solution
2. GM (XB) curve of a regular solution
3.Citerior for phase stability in regular solution.
 【第9週】1.Mid-term exam
 2. Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(II):   Standard states and two-phases equilibrium.
 【第10週】Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(III):
 1.Isomorphous phase diagram
2.Binary phase diagrams with liquid and solid exhibiting regular solution
【第11週】Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(IV): 
 1.Eutectic phase diagrams
2.Monotectic phase diagram
【第12週】Ch.11 Reactions involving gases(I):
 1.Reaction equilibrium in gas mixture and equilibrium constant
2.Effect of temperature on Kp
3.Effect of total pressure on Kp.
第13週】Ch.11 Reactions involving gases(II):
 1.Reaction equilibrium in SO2-SO3-O2 system
2.To keep a constant pO2 through gas mixture of SO2/SO3, CO/CO2,H2/H2O.
 【第14週】Ch.11 Reactions involving gases(III): Calculation examples. 
 Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(I):
1.Reaction equilibrium in a system containing pure condensed phases and gas phases. 
2.Variation of “Standard Gibbs free energy change” with T.
【第15週】Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(II): 
 1.Ellingham Diagrams
2.Stability of metals and metal-oxides.
【第16週】Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(III): 
 1.Effect of phase transition
2.Stability of oxides in H2/H2O gas mixtures
3.Nomographic scale of H2/H2O
【第17週】Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(IV): 

1.Stability of oxides in CO/CO2 gas mixtures
2.Upper limit of (pCO/pCO2) at a fixed T
3.Calculation examples.





  • 材料熱力學Thermodynamics of Materials
  • 熱力學性質Thermodynamic Properties
  • 行為的解決方案Behavior of solutions
  • 蓋斯反應Reactions Involving Gass
  • 二元相圖Binary phase Diagrams
  • 純簡明階段Pure Condensed Phases


黃倉秀 教授

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