獨家贊助:財團法人台積電文教基金會 | |
Exclusive Sponsorships: TSMC Education and Culture Foundation | |
Course Description
Course Description
In the digital age of globalization, how can we in Taiwan read and comprehend the essence of Chinese cultural classics? What kind of communication and dialogue can we establish with these classic masterpieces? Sponsored by TSMC Education and Culture Foundation, jointly planned by the General Education Center, Department of Chinese Literature, and Language Center of National Tsing Hua University, the "Bai Xianyong Tsing Hua Literature Lectures" will invite Professor Bai Xianyong and many other scholars and experts from both domestic and international backgrounds to lead students in exploring the emotional world and intellectual content of Chinese cultural classics, appreciating the enduring beauty of literary masterpieces, broadening their perspectives on ancient and modern cultures, and nurturing humanistic care among Tsing Hua students.
Under the guidance of Professor Bai Xianyong, this course will be taught through thematic lectures by various professors. On one hand, it aims to provide students with diverse perspectives, exploring the cultural vitality demonstrated by classic works from various aspects, such as literature, history, aesthetics, art, social life, modern technology, and theories. On the other hand, it aspires to lead students to closely examine the texts, return to the classics themselves, and combine contemporary thinking to deeply understand the aesthetic taste, life insights, and shared emotions contained in literature.
The course is designed with a thematic progression, with each class resembling a specialized lecture, enabling students to immerse themselves in the intricate and elegant world of Chinese cultural classics through the professors' comprehensive guidance. Additionally, to ensure that students fully grasp and absorb the content of each lecture, after each speech, Ph.D. candidates from the Department of Chinese Literature will be assigned as teaching assistants to read and explain relevant passages and provide detailed interpretations of the texts. This way, even students who have never encountered these classics before can use this opportunity in the general education course to catch a glimpse of the profundity of classical literature and enjoy the pleasure of classic reading. For those who have read related classics before, they can rediscover the brilliance of these classics through the insights of dedicated scholars and experts who have spent years in profound research.
♠ | Classic Cultural Reading Selections | ♠ | Handouts by Instructor |
Teaching Method
♠ | Each instructor will teach for 1-2 weeks. |
The weekly progress listed below outlines the course focus. Specific topics and weekly readings will be officially announced before the start of the semester. | |
♠ | Note |
-Professor Pai Hsien-Yung 's lectures on 2/24 and 3/3 will be held at the TSMC Building, Sun Yun-Suan Lecture Hall. -Professor Tsai Ying-Chun's lecture on 6/16 will be held at the Macronix Building, International Conference Hall. -All other sessions will take place at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Lecture Hall. | |
【第1週 / 2月24日】
【第1週 / 2月24日】
♠ | 白先勇教授:中華文藝復興—以崑曲復興運動為例 |
蔡英俊教授主持 | |
【第2週 / 3月3日】
♠ | 白先勇教授:牡丹亭—晚明的一座文化高峰 |
蔡英俊教授主持 | |
【第3週 / 3月10日】
♠ | 陳義芝教授:千年之風,我歌我哭—《詩經》的現代共鳴 |
楊佳嫻副教授主持。 | |
【第4週 / 3月17日】
♠ | 李豐楙教授:非常之象—《楚辭》的神話文化 |
羅仕龍副教授主持。 | |
【第5週 / 3月24日】
♠ | 辛意雲教授:自我生命主體的建立 |
楊佳嫻副教授主持。 | |
【第6週 / 3月31日】
♠ | 林啟屏教授:窮與通—《論語》的安身立命之道 |
羅仕龍副教授主持。 | |
【第7週 / 4月7日】
♠ | 楊儒賓教授:莊子與匠人精神 |
楊佳嫻副教授主持。 | |
【第8週 / 4月14日】
♠ | 辛意雲教授:大菩薩行 |
【第9週 / 4月21日】
♠ | 楊照教授:一個人的歷史世界—司馬遷與《史記》 |
楊佳嫻副教授主持。 | |
【第10週 / 4月28日】
♠ | 張淑香教授:盛唐最高音—詩的活力 |
羅仕龍副教授主持。 | |
【第11週 / 5月5日】
♠ | 劉少雄教授:如何定風波—東坡詞開拓的人生意境 |
楊佳嫻副教授主持。 | |
♠ | 劉瓊云教授:形塑《西遊記》—戲、變形、智慧的失落與追尋 |
羅仕龍副教授主持。 | |
【第13週 / 5月19日】
♠ | 廖玉蕙教授:《聊齋誌異》的前世今生 |
楊佳嫻副教授主持。 | |
【第14週 / 5月26日】
♠ | 張曼娟教授:她們的罪與美─奇豔百態的寄生花《金瓶梅》 |
羅仕龍副教授主持。 | |
【第15週 / 6月2日】
♠ | 胡曉真教授:女子聯考放金榜─才女文化下的《鏡花緣》 |
楊佳嫻副教授主持。 | |
【第16週 / 6月9日】
♠ | 潘少瑜教授:福爾摩斯到中國──《老殘遊記》的偵探敘事與國族寓言 |
羅仕龍副教授主持。 | |
【第17週 / 6月16日】
♠ | 蔡英俊教授:面向世界的中國古典文學經典 |
楊佳嫻副教授、羅仕龍副教授共同主持 | |
【第18週 / 6月23日】
♠ | 期末考週 |