10502 人文社會學群 教育心理與諮商學系


古明峰 教授

國立清華大學教育心理與諮商學系  教授  
國立台灣師範大學教育心理與輔導研究所          博士
【網站】   http://gepg.web2.nhcue.edu.tw/files/16-1025-14217.php
【專長】 教育心理、學習輔導、班級經營、教育實習 



2025-03-25 OEGlobal 2026 conference
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2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分1筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分2A筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友| 電子學B筆記 !
2025-03-03 分享是最偉大的學習|李丞恩校友捐贈 高等微積分大要筆記 !
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2025-02-06 教師備課一定要知道3件事分享報導 ! (20221101)



尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!




◆ Introduce the theory of cognitive development
◆ Discuss Piaget's theory of cognitive development
◆ Discuss J. Piaget’s and L. S. Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive.
◆ Discuss Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive and compare with Piaget’s.


◆ Introduce theory of personality development.
◆ Introduce and discuss Erik H. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial developmental and Piaget's theory  of moral development.


◆ Introduce the learning theory of the behavioral approach.
◆ Introduce the principle of the learning theory of the behavioral approach.
◆ Introduce the punisher and the punishment, the immediate consequences, the shaping, and the extinction.
◆ Introduce the reinforcement, the maintain, the role of the first thing.


◆ Introduce the learning theory of cognitive approach.
◆ Introduce and discuss the cognitive storage characteristics, the method of information processing, and the research of the brain.
◆ Introduce the factor of the forgetting and the memory and teach the memory strategies.
◆ Introduce the learning categories, Schema Theory, and the study strategies.


◆ Introduce the cognitive approach instruction, the direct method, and Gagne’s theory of learning  conditions.
◆ Lecture Ausubel’s the meaning learning and the constructivist learning.
◆ the discovery learning, the self-regulated learning, and constructivist teaching.


◆ Introduce the idea of the intelligence and the creativity.
◆ Introduce the multiple approach of intelligent theory and the multiple-intelligence theory.
◆ Analyze the condition of intelligence. Discuss Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, Binet Simon Test, and the relationship between the intelligence and success.
◆ Introduce points of the creativity, the relationship with the intelligence, and how to use the creativity to  solve problems.


◆ Introduce and extend some theories of the motivation, the confliction, and the influence.
◆ Introduce the motivation and attribution theory.
◆ Lecture how to improven high school students' motivation of success, and introduce the approach of  the motivation.
◆ Introduce the learning motivation and lecture the application and the reflection in the teaching site. 


◆ Introduce the evaluation and the main idea of the research and four Measurement scales.
◆ Introduce the type of the grade.
◆ Introduce the conceptual.
◆ Introduce the  reliability.
◆ Introduce the research method and the type of the sampling.
◆ Introduce the meaning of the research method.


◆ Introduce the teaching and the evaluation.
◆ Introduce the different evaluation.
◆ Introduce the evaluation way of the paper test and the evaluation of the multiple way learning. 



  • 教育心理學
  • 認知發展理論
  • 皮亞傑
  • 學習理論