10401 工程學群 動力機械工程學系


葉廷仁 教授

國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 特聘教授 
美國麻省理工學院機械工程學系  博士



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This course provides the students with basic knowledge in modeling, analysis and design for linear feedback control systems.  It begins with reviewing some mathematical fundamentals and introducing block diagrams and signal-flow graphs.  Students will then learn how to model mechanical, electrical...... 

Outline of this course
This course provides the students with basic knowledge in modeling, analysis and design for linear feedback control systems.  It begins with reviewing some mathematical fundamentals and introducing block diagrams and signal-flow graphs.  Students will then learn how to model mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical systems as differential equations and transfer functions.  The analysis in this course includes stability of open-loop and closed-loop systems, time responses and frequency responses of low order systems.  The design methods are divided into root-locus techniques and frequency response techniques using Bode plots for designing PID and lead/lag controllers.  Students will also learn how to apply the automatic control theory to real engineering problems via Matlab simulations and Lab assignments.

Pre-requisite: Course Contents
1. Introduction
2. Mathematical Foundation
3. Block diagrams and Signal-Flow Graphs
4. Modeling of Dynamic Systems
5. Time-domain Analysis of Control Systems
6. Root Locus Analysis
7. Frequency-Domain Analysis
8. Design of Control Systems






  • 控制系統一
  • Control System I
  • 數理基礎
  • Mathematical Foundation)
  • 波德圖
  • Bode Plots
  • 根軌跡分析
  • Root Locus Analysis
  • 頻域分析
  • Frequency Domain Analysis
  • 控制系統理論總整理Summary of Control System


葉廷仁 教授

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