10702 工程學群 資訊工程學系


吳尚鴻 教授

國立清華大學資訊工程學系    教授 
國立台灣大學資訊工程學系       博士

【教學】 機器學習理論、雲端資料庫、APP創業與實作
【研究】 機器學習、巨量資料處理、App 智能
【榮譽】 New Faculty Research Award, NTHU, 2015 
  Outstanding Research Award, EECS, NTHU, 2014
Outstanding Teaching Award, EECS, NTHU, 2013
IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award, 2008 (70/575 worldwide)



2024-07-26 OCW❤️EMI -清華電資領航、迎戰未來! 由清華電資堅強的師資陣容為您打造邏輯思維與推理能力,讓您學習UPDATE贏在起跑點 !!
2024-07-23 恭賀 ! 李敏校資長 榮獲113年教育部師鐸獎!
2024-07-10 2024年9月-11月開放式課程工讀招募至8/23(五)12:00截止,工讀履歷隨到隨審,謝謝!
2024-06-28 【2024開放式課程*超猛筆記大募集】我們深信學習不是少數人的事,而是所有人的事,敬邀您的熱血參與!!!
2024-06-11 2024暑期工讀招募至6/17(一)12:00截止!
2024-05-27 敬祝各位老師端午佳節愉快!
2024-05-16 10920趙啟超教授離散數學版書上架通知!!謝謝大家!!
2024-05-16 【12/27 白先勇與吳素君教授〡天倫之歌-《孽子》2020舞台劇的幕前、幕後演講活動分享】
2024-05-16 【開放式課程】您想知道清大有哪些優質的免費課程嗎 ? 您想提升自我競爭力、一睹大師的上課風采盡在 NTHU OCW ! !
2024-05-16 【魅力專欄】鄉民最愛迷因網站梗圖倉庫-用鄉民梗激發您的學習力 !
2024-05-16 恭賀 數學系程守慶教授獲聘為113年度「理學院終身榮譽講座教授」!
2024-05-16 【開放式課程魅力專題報導】馬斯克時間拳擊法!馬斯克是1年當8年用、而我們是8年當1年用,如何對症下藥逆轉人生一窺箇中奧秘!
2024-05-16 【2023/12/27首頁故事:動機系葉廷仁特聘教授清華學生團隊打造自動平衡摩托車】
2024-05-16 【分享是最偉大的學習】清華大學電機系〡馬席彬教授專訪!
2024-05-16 2020-2023 年度熱門課程 : 資工系周志遠教授簡介



This class introduces the concepts and practices of deep learning. The course consists of three parts. In the first part, we give a quick introduction of classical machine learning and review some key concepts required to understand deep learning.In the second part......

This class introduces the concepts and practices of deep learning. The course consists of three parts. In the first part, we give a quick introduction of classical machine learning and review some key concepts required to understand deep learning.In the second part, we discuss how deep learning differs from classical machine learning and explain why it is effective in dealing with complex problems such as the image and natural language processing. Various CNN and RNN models will becovered. In the third part, we introduce the deep reinforcement learning and its applications.This course also gives coding labs. We will use Python 3 as the main programming language throughout the course. Some popular machine learning libraries such as Scikit-learn and Tensorflow will be used and explained in detials.

Lecture 01  
Introduction/Scientific Python 101
Lecture 02     
Linear Algebra/Data Exploration & PCA
Lecture 03
Probability & Information Theory/Decision Trees & Random Forest

Lecture 04

Numerical Optimization/Perceptron & Adaline/Regression
Lecture 05
Learning Theory & Regularization /Regularization
Lecture 06
Probabilistic Models/Logistic Regression & Metrics 
Lecture 07
Non-Parametric Methods & SVMs/SVMs & Scikit-Learn Pipelines
Lecture 08
Cross Validation & Ensembling/CV & Ensembling


Predicting Appropriate Response
Lecture 09
Large-Scale Machine Learning
Lecture 10
Neural Networks: Design/TensorFlow101 & Word2Vec
Lecture 11
Neural Networks: Optimization & Regularization
Lecture 12

Convolutional Neural Networks/Nuts and Bolts of Convolutional Neural Networks/Visualization and Style Transfer

Competition 02

Image Object Detection & Localization

Lecture 13

Recurrent Neural Networks/Seq2Seq Learning for Machine Translation
Competition 03 Image Caption
Lecture 14
Unsupervised Learning/Autoencoders/GANs
Competition 04 Reverse Image Caption 
Lecture 15
Semisupervised/Transfer Learning and the Future
Lecture 16
Reinforcement Learning/Q-learning
Lecture 17
Deep Reinforcement Learning/ DQN & Policy Network
Competition 05 You Draw I Draw


Reference Books 
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016, ISBN: 0387848576
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition, Springer, 2009, ISBN: 0387848576
Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006, ISBN: 0387310738
Sebastian Raschka, Python Machine Learning, Packt Publishing, 2015, ISBN: 1783555130
Online Courses 
CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, Stanford
 CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, Stanford
CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Berkeley
 MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars, MIT



  • 深度學習
  • Deep Learning
  • Scientific Python
  • Neural Networks
  • Numerical Optimization


吳尚鴻 教授

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