10802 人文社會學群 中國文學系


朱曉海 教授

國立清華大學中國文學系     教授 
香港大學哲學       博士
【榮譽】 國立清華大學80年傑出教學獎
【專長】 六朝文學與文學理論、先秦兩漢思想史 
【授課】 古籍導讀、文心雕龍、漢魏六朝文



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 《文心雕龍》在當時並沒有什麼地位,明代中葉以後,才漸為學人注意。此後地位一路扶搖直上,不僅國內中文系早已 視 為科班出身必讀之作,國外漢學界也極表推崇,施友忠先生的英譯本三十年前已問世。"Wen Xin Diao Long" had little status at the time, and it only gradually became noticed by scholars after the middle of the Ming Dynasty. Since then, its status has skyrocketed. Not only domestic Chinese departments have long regarded it as a must-read for those who graduated from a major, but foreign sinology circles also highly respect it. Mr. Shi Youzhong's English translation was published 30 years ago.


Brief course description
      《文心雕龍》在當時並沒有什麼地位,明代中葉以後,才漸為學人注意。此後地位一路扶搖直上,不僅國內中文系早已 視 為科班出身必讀之作,國外漢學界也極表推崇,施友忠先生的英譯本三十年前已問世。該書之所以被看重,主要是因為 論 題涉及面較為完整,表述體制相當規格化,與傳統文論頗有差異,在西潮孕育的尺度下,似乎是中國較拿得出手的一本 文 論專著(鍾嶸《詩品》雖也是專著,但討論範圍限於詩)。 因為它是本文論,書中當然會提到許多在它之前的作家及作品,加以受到當時的表述習尚影響,全書都採取駢儷句式, 並 經常會溶用古書中的詞句,對於不熟悉齊、梁以前作品及六朝表述習慣的人而言,閱讀時,似乎有不少語言障礙,其 實, 多讀幾篇之後,會發現字面理解並不困難。真正難懂的在那些語詞真正指涉的意思。 不管它的見解是否高明,要想對中古文學有基礎認識,《文選》與《文心雕龍》是必讀的兩本書,因為它們都具有總匯 的 特質。可是本系一直未正式開設,實在愧對同學,因此,重理舊業,彌補這缺憾。
       "Wenxin Diaolong" did not hold much significance during its time, but it gradually caught the attention of scholars from the mid-Ming Dynasty onwards. Since then, its status has continuously risen, becoming not only a must-read work for Chinese literature students in domestic universities but also highly esteemed in the field of Sinology abroad. Mr. Shi Youzhong's English translation of the book was published thirty years ago. The reason for its high regard lies primarily in its comprehensive coverage of various topics and its highly standardized presentation, which differs significantly from traditional literary theories. In the context of the Western influence at the time, it seems to be a more commendable treatise on literary theory from China (although Zhong Rong's "Shipin" is also a monograph, it only focuses on poetry).
      As a treatise on literary theory, the book naturally references many earlier authors and works, influenced by the writing styles prevalent at the time. The entire book is written in parallel prose (bianli ju), and it frequently incorporates phrases from ancient texts. For those unfamiliar with works from before the Qi and Liang dynasties and the writing conventions of the Six Dynasties, reading the book may present some linguistic barriers. However, after reading several chapters, it becomes apparent that the literal comprehension is not difficult. The real challenge lies in understanding the true implications of the language used.
    Regardless of the brilliance of its insights, if one wants to have a fundamental understanding of medieval Chinese literature, "Wenxuan" and "Wenxin Diaolong" are two essential books to read, as they both embody the essence of their respective eras. Nevertheless, it is regrettable that our department has not formally offered a course on this subject, which is a disservice to the students. Therefore, we are now rectifying this and making up for this deficiency in our curriculum.
 Course Description
        As a treatise on literary theory, the book naturally references many earlier authors and works, influenced by the writing styles prevalent at the time. The entire book is written in parallel prose (bianli ju), and it frequently incorporates phrases from ancient texts. For those unfamiliar with works from before the Qi and Liang dynasties and the writing conventions of the Six Dynasties, reading the book may present some linguistic barriers. However, after reading several chapters, it becomes apparent that the literal comprehension is not difficult. The real challenge lies in understanding the true implications of the language used. Regardless of the brilliance of its insights, if one wants to have a fundamental understanding of medieval Chinese literature, "Wenxuan" and "Wenxin Diaolong" are two essential books to read, as they both embody the essence of their respective eras.

指定用書 / 參考書籍
Text Books/References
1. 范文瀾,《文心雕龍注》(臺北:臺灣開明書店)。
2. 詹瑛,《文心雕龍義證》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1989)。
3. 王元化,《文心雕龍講疏》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1992)

Teaching Method





  • 文心雕龍
  • Wen-Hsin-Tiou-Long
  • 文論
  • 劉勰傳
  • 序志


朱曉海 教授

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