10801 人文社會學群 經濟學系


朱敬一 教授

國立清華大學經濟學系    特聘講座教授 
美國密西根大學經濟學     博士
【學歷】 美國密西根大學經濟學系碩士(1983)、博士(1985)
【專長】 經濟、法律學 
【榮譽】 國科會傑出獎(1989-1996)  



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本課程擬從一個個體經濟概念開始,引領進入不同的應用領域。除了經濟,這門課打算 串接法律學、演化生物學、國際關係等許多學門,希望能幫助非財經本科學生理解經濟 觀念如何應用在多面向問題的分析上。 This course starts from the concept of microeconomics, and then goes further into various application fields. Besides economics, subjects such as law, evolutionary biology, international relationship are discussed together to help students who do not master in economics understand how to analyze multifaceted problems with concepts of economics.


Course Objectives

       本課程擬從一個個體經濟概念開始,引領進入不同的應用領域。除了經濟,這門課打算 串接法律學、演化生物學、國際關係等許多學門,希望能幫助非財經本科學生理解經濟 觀念如何應用在多面向問題的分析上。 
      This course starts from the concept of microeconomics, and then goes further into various application fields. Besides economics, subjects such as law, evolutionary biology, international relationship are discussed together to help students who do not master in economics understand how to analyze multifaceted problems with concepts of economics.  

 Course Information
♠上課時間 Time : 每周三第5堂至第7堂 (13:20-16:20)
♠上課地點 Room : 台積館 - 孫運璿演講廰 (111教室)

 Course Description   
     這門課不想教大家「制式」的經濟分析,而要從一個個體經濟概念開始,引領進入不同 的應用領域。除了經濟,這門課打算串接法律學、演化生物學、國際關係等許多學門, 希望能幫助非財經本科學生理解以下問題:  
     The “standard” economic analysis is not taught in this course. Instead, we start from the concept of microeconomics, which can lead to various application fields. Besides economics, subjects such as law, evolutionary biology, international relationship are discussed together to help students who do not master in economics understand the issues as follows:   
1. 為什麼要唸經濟思辨?
Why should we learn to reason in an economic way?
1a. 什麼是「通識」經濟學?
      What’s “Economics for General Education”?
      Why could those who know only math live well in business college ? 
 2. 需求、供給、完全競爭均衡  延伸閱讀 
Demand, supply, and equilibrium in perfect competition——further reading 
2a.生物界的完全競爭 -- 為什麼海豚聰明又長壽?
      The perfect competition in biological world——the reason for dolphins’ high intelligence and longevity
2b.語言演變的競爭規 (原,哪裡來那麼多的「不規則動詞」?
      The competitive rules in the language evolution (The original text: Why are there so many irregular verbs?  
 3. 從傳統經濟到創新經濟
From traditional economy to innovative economy
3a. 究竟什麼是知識經濟?
      What’s knowledge-based economy?
3b. 知識研發的特殊角色
      Knowledge development is playing a special role.
3c. 為什麼川普要對「七年後的產品」課稅?
      Why does Trump tax on “products produced 7 years later”? 
 4. 網路經濟時代的競爭
Competition in the era of network economy
4a. 網路經濟下的競爭與定價
      The competition and sticker prices of in network economy
4b. 電子商務的國際競爭 
      The international competition of e-commerce
 5. 生產要素的報酬與分配
  The remuneration distribution of factors of production
5a. 全球化下的「異形」勞資關係
      The “alien” labor relations under globalization
5b. 勞動基準法與罷工
      Labor Standards Act and strikes
 6. 所得與財富分配的不均
Uneven distribution of wealth and income
6a. 該不該課徵遺產贈與稅?
      Should estate and gift tax be imposed?
6b. 台灣所得分配不均的幾個觀察
      Observations on the uneven income distribution of Taiwan
6c. 股利分離課稅,有道理嗎?
      Is it reasonable that the dividends are taxed separately? 
 7. 國際貿易的理論與挑戰
The challenges and theories of international trade
7a. 川普何時決定貿易戰「收兵」?
      When will Trump end the trade war?
7b. 自由貿易之外,政府究竟該不該有「產業政策」?
      Aside from the free trade agreement, should the government draft a “industrial policy”? 
 8. 市場失靈與永續發展
Market failure and sustainable development
8a. 在市場失靈與政府失靈之間
      Between the market failure and the government failure
8b. 從永續發展理念,談「九二共識」的衍生應對
      Discussion about the countermeasures arose from 1992 consensus with the concept of sustainable development 
 9. 資訊經濟學
Information Economics  
      The message in the fanning of a peacock’s tail
      The message asymmetry in a family business 
 10. 經濟發展過程中家族角色的蛻變
The change of roles in a family during the process of economic development   
        Are the members familiar with one another in a super rich family? 
        Why do the females perform better than males in stock investing?
       Why do Taiwanese men profit more than women from the investments in land?
 11. 經濟轉型與經濟困境
Economic transformations and economic dilemmas  
       China’s transformation strategy, which is different from that of Soviet Union
       From keeping a low profile to the Belt and Road
 12. 不完全競爭市場
Imperfectly competitive market
12a. 陸域風電與離岸風電背後的不同故事
        The different stories behind the offshore wind power and the on-land wind power      
12b. 為什麼 Amazon 拿不下紅白葡萄酒的零售市場?
        Why can’t Amazon corner the retail red wine and white wine market?   
 13. 國際金融

International Finance 
13a. 台灣的外匯存底
        The foreign deposit reserve of Taiwan 

  13b. 歐債危機是怎麼回事?
        The ins and outs of the European debt crisis




  • 經濟思辨一
  • 經濟思辨
  • 完全競爭均衡
  • 創新經濟
  • 網路經濟
  • 報酬與分配
  • 財富分配
  • 國際貿易
  • 國際金融


朱敬一 教授

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