09801 人文社會學群 通識教育中心


嚴震生 教授

國立清華大學通識教育中心    教授
美國普渡大學政治學系     博士
【經歷】 Division of American and European Studies,

Institute of International Relations, 
National Chengchi University Research Fellow, 
Institute of International Relations, 
National Chengchi University Ph.D,
Political Science, the Purdue University.
【網站】 http://cge.gec.nthu.edu.tw/faculty-2.html
【授課】 美國政治、國際時事與英語溝通、第三世界政治、國際組織
【專長】 比較政治、國際關係、美國政治、非洲政治



2025-03-25 OEGlobal 2026 conference
2025-03-12 【校友力量大】李丞恩校友|程守慶教授複變數函數論筆記!
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友| 電子學A筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分2B筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分1筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分2A筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友| 電子學B筆記 !
2025-03-03 分享是最偉大的學習|李丞恩校友捐贈 高等微積分大要筆記 !
2025-02-25 分享是最偉大的學習|李丞恩校友捐贈10702吳尚鴻教授深度學習筆記!!
2025-02-19 分享是最偉大的學習|固態物理與電子薄膜筆記分享!
2025-02-18 臺灣開放式課程暨教育聯盟|榮獲內政部113年度全國社會公益團體貢獻獎 - 金質獎 (感謝會員學校齊心努力!)
2025-02-14 訊號與系統必修之選【電機資訊必考科目,清大低調巨匠洪樂文教授全英親授】
2025-02-13 A Must-Take Course on Signals and Systems - 【A Core Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Taught by NTHU’s Esteemed Scholar, Professor Yao-Win Peter Hong】
2025-02-06 2023 引領教學潮流 : 大學教授的魅力品牌之路 !
2025-02-06 教師備課一定要知道3件事分享報導 ! (20221101)
2014-08-25 【開放式課程】9701至9902參考用書與採購指南!
2014-08-11 【開放式課程問卷調查】優質課程推薦請您踴躍填卷!
2014-08-11 開放式課程、磨課師與高三放心學雲端教室學習新知快訊!
2014-05-22 ocw.-moocs-.-funlearning線上課程比較報你知!
2014-05-22 清華大學學習資源一覽表,歡迎您踴躍使用!
2012-07-24 【管理】NTHU OCW誠摯地歡迎您的加入!
2012-05-30 【管理】開放式課程陪您一起打贏這場期末戰役
2012-05-02 【溫馨小提醒】傾聽您的心聲,請您踴躍填卷!!
2012-03-28 【管理】別忘囉!說聲母親節快樂!
2012-01-18 【管理】預祝您新年快樂!



Learning everywhere-have NTHU professor as your personal tutor. NTHU OCW is always here for the enthusiastic learners.


Course Description
       This course aims at introducing students government and politics of America, including its major elected offices (president, senators, congressmen and state governors), nomination process (caucuses and primaries), political parties and candidates, campaign issues and financing, and the general election. In addition, there will be discussion on American foreign policy. We are going to use President Barack Obama’s major speeches and his book as the basis of our approach.



    Barack Obama

The Audacity of Hope. New York: Vintage Books, 2006.

     Domestic Politics

♠ Commencement Speech, Notre Dame, Indiana, May 17, 2009
 Inaugural Speech, Washington, D.C., January 20, 2009
 Victory Speech, Chicago, November 4, 2008
 Acceptance of Nomination Speech, Denver, August 28, 2008
♠ Keynote Speech at Democratic National Convention, Boston, July 27, 2004

    Foreign Policy

♠ Speech in Beijing, November 2009
 Speech at Cairo University, June 4, 2009
 Speech to Turkish Parliament, April 6, 2009
 Speech in Berlin, July 24, 2008


Teaching Method
This class is comprised of both lecture and discussion. Students are expected to participate in class discussion. This is considered to be an integral part of the learning process and will be weighed in the final grade. A student should try to finish the reading assignment before each class, take notes during the class, and review the materials after the class on his/her own. The medium of communication in this course is English. Texts, lecture, examinations, report, and class discussion will all be conducted in English. If you do not feel comfortable with this format, you should re-consider whether this course truly meets your needs.



  • BarackObama (巴拉克˙歐巴馬)
  • Domestic Politics (國內政治)
  • American Politics (美國政治)


嚴震生 教授

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