11201 人文社會學群 中國文學系

白先勇清華文學講座 4〡文化的記憶與重建 〡台灣篇

蔡英俊 教授



楊佳嫻 教授

國立臺灣大學中文所   博士


羅仕龍 教授





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2024-11-25 白先勇清華文學講座4〡文化的記憶與重建 〡台灣篇❤️倒數計時上架中 !
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2024-11-25 113年資訊月 「傑出資訊人才獎」 選拔活動得獎名單如下:(12位)



文化活動建構了我們的生命記憶,而記憶也不斷重新書寫我們的文化認同。當AI科技席捲而來,生而為人的我們在數位密碼 之中,如何判斷何為真假?

  Exclusive Sponsorships: TSMC Education and Culture Foundation

Course Description


Cultural activities construct our life memories, and these memories continually reshape our cultural identity. As AI technology rapidly advances, how do we, as humans, discern what is true or false amidst digital codes? How do we navigate personal and collective memory maps to extract and create shared cultural vocabularies and experiences? Following the success of the "Pai Hsien-Yung Tsinghua Literary Lectures" focused on Chinese and Western literature from 2020 to 2022, the 2023 edition will center on "Cultural Memory and Reconstruction." This series will revisit Taiwan literature to rethink our land, history, and memory, while integrating drama, film, television, IP industries, and cultural and creative works to explore the resilience and limitless possibilities of literary works as they merge with contemporary media.

This course, exclusively sponsored by the TSMC Education and Culture Foundation and co-organized by the Center for General Education, Department of Chinese Literature, and Language Center at National Tsing Hua University, invites Professor Pai Hsien-Yung     and several scholars and experts from Taiwan and abroad to give lectures. These sessions will showcase the energy and charm of Taiwan literature, balancing the transmission of classics with creative reinterpretations.

Led by Professor Pai Hsien-Yung, each week features a different scholar or expert from various fields delivering a lecture on a specific topic. To embody the course concept of "Literature X Performing Arts Duet," two guests will be invited each week to engage in a dialogue, creating a dynamic and lively classroom atmosphere that promotes cross-disciplinary learning. Professors Tsai Ying-chun, Yang Chia-hsien, and Lo Shih-lung from the university will also participate in these discussions, serving as moderators or introducers to help students grasp the course content and fully absorb the insights from the guest lectures and discussions.

The course is organized by thematic units, allowing students to focus on one topic each week and fully understand the essence of that week's theme. This approach cultivates a broad and deep cultural perspective, building a shared cultural memory for Tsinghua students. To help students comprehend the learning objectives and content, after each lecture and discussion, a Ph.D. or Ph.D. candidate in the humanities will lead a guided reading session of relevant excerpts from the thematic lecture. These sessions will provide detailed explanations of the textual meaning and chapter content, allowing even students who have never encountered the related works to gain insights into Taiwanese literature and film adaptations, and enjoy the pleasure of cross-genre and cross-era reading. For students already familiar with the related works, the lectures and discussions will stimulate further thought on the process of cultural memory and reconstruction in Taiwan.




 Selected Readings from Taiwanese Literary Works (provided in class)
 相關影視、戲劇、IP 改編作品
 Related Film, Television, and IP Adaptations
  Handouts by Instructor



Teaching Method

 ♠ 前兩小時由任課教師或受邀專家學者以演講方式授課,第三小時則由助教帶讀相關片段或安排測驗,
 The first two hours are conducted in a lecture format by the course instructor or invited experts and scholars.
 The third hour is dedicated to guided reading of relevant excerpts or quizzes led by the teaching assistant
to help students fully grasp the course material.
♠ AI有條件開放,請註明如何使用生成式AI於課程產出
 Conditionally open; please specify how generative AI will be used in course output 
 Generative AI conditionally allowed: Please specify how generative AI will be used in course output.



 Each instructor will teach for one week, and wherever possible, the class will be conducted in a dialogue format,combining literary theory with references to film and theater works. The topics for each unit, detailed dates,and weekly reading assignments will be announced during the beginning of the semester.
 The main directions are as follows:
 In addition to the selected readings of classic works, the course emphasizes the "Literature X Performing Arts"dual approach to foster diverse thinking, stimulate students' interest and imagination, and enhance Taiwan's cultural soft power.
 Considering students' levels and interests, careful attention will be given to selecting suitable film and television adaptations,and assistance will be provided to ensure students watch these adaptations either before or after the class.


Grading Assessment

 1.有多次平時小考,以了解同學們回家後是否有閱讀課堂講授的小說。 考試目的不是為了考倒
 同學,但希望同學們養成固定閱讀的習慣。考試 內容都是根據文本內容以及上課講解,以測驗題為主。
 There will be multiple quizzes throughout the semester to assess whether students have read the novels discussed in class. The purpose of these quizzes is not to fail students but to encourage the habit of regular reading. The quiz content will be based on the texts and class discussions, primarily in the form of multiple-choice questions.
 The guest lecturers for this course are all highly distinguished, and students are expected to attend every class. This course places significant emphasis on class attendance as part of the overall assessment.
 The grading criteria will be explained in class. It is essential that students attend the first session.




  • 白先勇清華文學 (Pai Hsien-yung Tsinghua Literature )
  • 文化的記憶與重建 (Cultural Memory and Reconstruction)
  • 台灣篇台灣文學 (Taiwan-Focused Taiwanese Literature)
  • 改編 (Adaptation)
  • 文化研究 (Cultural Studies)
  • 文化記憶 (Cultural Memory)

Chapters on OCW


蔡英俊 教授

楊佳嫻 教授

羅仕龍 教授

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