09901 人文社會學群 通識教育中心


鄭運鴻 教授

國立清華大學通識中心       兼任講師
國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所       碩士

【網站】 ocw.nthu.edu.tw/ocw/index.php
【領域】 科幻概論、科幻名作解析



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2012-03-27 【管理】傾聽您的心聲,請您踴躍填卷!!
2012-01-18 【管理】預祝您新年快樂!



Isaac Asimov曾對「科幻小說」下過如此的定義:科幻小說必須包含科學和技術層面,至少得沾到邊,所描述的社會要和當時社會有明顯不同,這些差異在於社會與技術水準的改變。”A science fiction must consist of both science and technology even in the least. The descriptive society has to be obviously different from the real world of the author; these differences are determined by the change of society and technical standards” quoted by Isaac Asimov. Through the course "Introduction to Science Fiction," professor Zheng accompanies you to overcome the apathetic toward science and technology, leads you to further explore it with humane and social points of view.  

Course Description

    Isaac Asimov曾對「科幻小說」下過如此的定義:科幻小說必須包含科學和技術層面,至少得沾到邊,所描述的社會要和當時社會有明顯不同,這些差異在於社會與技術水準的改變。科幻」並非天馬行空的幻想,相反地,「科幻」是「科技立國」的根本、「綠色矽島」的種子、「知識經濟」的基礎。別羨慕美國NASA的太空科技發展,這些科學 家們的童年都曾經過太空探索科幻小說的洗禮;別嫉妒日本機器人大國的美名,這些工程師們從1950年代起就沈浸在機器人科幻作品中直到今日。一個國家沒有 科幻文化作為基礎,卻妄想成為世界數一數二的科技大國,本身才是最荒誕不經的幻覺。透過「科幻概論」課程,我們希望達到擊碎「科技冷漠症候群」枷鎖的目標,進而帶領同學們更進一步探索科技的人文與社會面向,讓他們能在科學精神的導引下,具備想像未來的能力。未來,當我們將國家交付下一代的時候,他們將不再像我們一般不知所措。

Isaac Asimov once defined "science fiction" : A science fiction must consist of both science and technology even in the least. The descriptive society has to be obviously different from the real world of the author; these differences are determined by the change of society and technical standards.

"Science fiction" is not merely fanciful fantasy. On the contrary, "science fiction" is the foundation of establishinf a nation on the basement of technology, the seed of "green silicon island," and the base of "knowledge economy". Do not admire NASA’s space technology development. These scientists were baptized with science fictions about space exploration in their childhood. Do not envy the reputation of Japan as a great power of robotic industry. These engineers have been immersed in robotics of science fictions from 1950s till today. A Country which eagers to become world’s one of the best technological nation in the world without the basis of sience fiction culture is the most surreal illusion itself.

Throught the course "Introduction to Science Fiction," we hope to set people free from the shackles of being apathetic toward science and techonology, and lead students to further exploration of humane and social dimensions of it. Under the guidance of the scientific spirit, they will have the ability to imagine the future.

In the future, when we pass our country to the next generation, they will no longer be as at a loss as we did.



《Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia》John Clute著 倫敦 DK出版社 1995年 


Important Sources 


Various academic books about culture research

Various science fiction works

Various science fiction videos and movies

Various science fiction entertainments

Various science fiction Internet resources

♠ 特別推薦:

Teacher’s own science fiction website: http://drng.pixnet.net/blog

Teaching Method 

♠ 專題講授與討論:針對特定科幻專題之關鍵概念、發展歷史、現況與趨勢…

  Lectures and discussions : Focusing on the in depth introduction to key concepts, development history, status and trends of specific science fiction topics. We will have a discussion if time allows.



♠ 科幻的定義
    Definition of science fiction
    Introduction to common science fiction forms and subjects
    A brief history of science fiction culture

♠ 專題〡西方古典科幻(Classic)影片〡 西方古典科幻代表作品賞析研討
    Topic〡 Science fiction before 1990
    Video〡 Appreciation and analysis of representative science fictions works before 1990 

♠ 專題〡社會科幻Dystopia
    影片〡 社會科幻代表作品賞析研討
    Topic〡 Social science fiction Dystopia 
    Video〡 Appreciation and analysis of representatives social science fiction works 

♠ 專題〡美國科幻黃金時期Golden Age
    Topic〡The golden age of science fiction in the United States
    Video〡 Appreciation and analysis of representative science fiction works in the golden age

♠ 專題〡菲利普‧狄克Philip K. Dick與新浪潮運動New Wave
    影片〡 菲利普‧狄克與新浪潮運動代表作品賞析研討
    Topic〡 Philip K. Dick and the New Wave movement 
    Video〡 Appreciation and analysis of Philip Dick and representative works of the New Wave movement 
♠ 專題〡電馭叛客Cyberpunk
    影片〡 電馭叛客代表作品賞析研討
    Topic〡 Cyberpunk
    Video〡Appreciation and analysis of reprecentative cyberpunk works

♠ 專題〡日本幻想科學Fictional Science文化概述
♠ Topic〡 The overview of Japanese fictional science culture 
    Video〡 Appreciation and analysis of representative Japanese fictional science works
      (The course content may be adjusted based on the actual teaching process.)



♠ 期末考(或限定名額以學期筆記代替)為主
♠ 出席狀況、課堂表現、學習態度…等為輔




  • 科幻概論Introduction to Science Fiction
  • 古典科幻篇Classic sci-fi piece
  • 馭電飛行Yu electric flight
  • 日本的幻想科學Japanese fantasy science
  • 反烏托邦Dystopian
  • 馭電飛行Yu electric flight


鄭運鴻 教授

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