09802 人文社會學群 通識教育中心


林文源 教授

國立清華大學通識中心       教授
英國蘭卡斯特大學社會學及科學研究   博士 

【經歷】 國立清華大學圖書館       館長
  國立清華大學通識中心    主任
【授課】 科技與社會、社會文化分析、醫療與社會
【專長】 醫療社會學科技研發與使用者研究、社會理論、社會力(agency)研究



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2025-01-03 ❤ 開放式課程授權合作推薦 Open Course Cooperation Recommendation ❤
2025-01-03 【2025開放式課程工讀招募】沒有穩定的工作、只有穩定的能力,誠摯地歡迎您加入我們的行列!!滿!
2024-12-25 11301白先勇清華文學講座 5〡文學 X 電影二重奏課程活動花絮
2024-12-23 【隨時❤️開放式課程*超猛筆記大募集】我們深信學習不是少數人的事,而是所有人的事,敬邀您的熱血參與!!!
2024-12-10 【白先勇教授:文學改編電影──從《玉卿嫂》改編講起】報名至【12月13日(五)17:00截止】!
2024-12-06 【開放式課程魅力專題報導】馬斯克時間拳擊法!馬斯克是1年當8年用、而我們是8年當1年用,如何對症下藥逆轉人生一窺箇中奧秘!
2024-12-04 【轉發EMI中心】12/10(二) 黃舒屏教授提升EMI課堂學習動機的實用技巧,誠摯地歡迎您踴躍報名! ! !
2024-12-02 2024/12/18 白先勇教授【白先勇文學改編電影-從《玉卿嫂》改編講起】於旺宏館國際會議廳舉行「即將放報名」!!!請您留意相關訊息,謝謝您!
2024-11-25 恭喜潘詠庭教授榮獲國科會113年度吳大猷先生紀念獎
2024-11-25 庖丁解牛擴散與相變化,材料系朝和大師帶你乘著理論飛向應用!
2024-11-25 白先勇清華文學講座4〡文化的記憶與重建 〡台灣篇❤️倒數計時上架中 !
2014-08-25 【開放式課程】9701至9902參考用書與採購指南!
2014-05-22 清華大學學習資源一覽表,歡迎您踴躍使用!
2014-01-20 【管理】林文源教授學術研究之奧秘新上市!
2012-07-24 【管理】NTHU OCW誠摯地歡迎您的加入!
2012-05-30 【管理】開放式課程陪您一起打贏這場期末戰役
2012-05-02 【溫馨小提醒】別忘囉!說聲母親節快樂!
2012-03-27 【管理】傾聽您的心聲,請您踴躍填卷!!
2012-01-18 【管理】預祝您新年快樂!



Tsinghua classic courses help you build a strong background of science, allow you to keep pace with the latest information, and win at the starting point!



                Why should we explore the relationship between science, technology and society?

  科學與技術對人類的生活有深遠影響,尤其在數位運算、網際網路、基因、奈米等科技高度發展與影響下,今日社會生活的變動更是劇烈。藉由既有科技與社會研究(science, technology and society studies, 簡稱STS)的研究取徑與案例,本課程探討科技的研發、推廣、使用,與社會影響層面,以及其中牽扯的科學家、工程師、廠商、政府、民眾等各種團體的關連。這種思考下,課程一開始由工程師與科學家的活動所建構出的科技世界與視界出發,探討發明、創新活動背後的複雜歷程,再由科學知識與技術物中介隱含的政治與權力關係,思考使用者、公眾、產業、專業的脈絡特質,以及科技爭議辯論,希望提供更為開放思考科技、社會與個人生涯之政治性與可能性。

Science and technology have a profound impact on human life. Especially in the highly developments and influences of technologies such as digital operation, Internet, genetics, nanotechnology, the changes in social life today are even more dramatic. With the existing researches and cases of STS (science, technology and society studies), this course will explore the development, promotion, use and social impact aspect of technologies as well as the associations of scientists, engineers, manufacturers, governments, people, etc. Based on this kind of thinking, the course begins with the technological world built by the engineers’ and scientists’ actions and explore the complex processes behind invention and innovation activities. Then, by understanding the political and power relations implied by scientific knowledge and technology, students can think about the characteristics of users, public, industry, and profession. Students may also learn some debates on science and technology disputes. The professor hopes to provide more open thinking about the politics and possibilities of technology, society and personal career.


This course requires students highly interact and discuss with others. Through case discussions, practical exercises, and arrangements for data collection and analysis, this course hopes to provide science and engineering students with an opportunity to expand their social thinking from their profession-related issues. On the other hand, professor hopes the humanity and social science students can understand how other professions combine with technologies or even provide other possibilities. Professor hoped that this course can become a fusion point, so that the students can start from their own profession and develop the foundation of exploring the technology development. Professor hoped that this will help students become a “Technology-Society person” who has forward-looking, multi-thinking and reflective abilities. 






                Course design and requirements

The course is conducted by reading, group discussion, lecturing, group presentation, film watching and discussion. After the class, the teaching assistant will help each team to prepare the class report discussion. All of the discussion content should be uploaded to the teaching website system.

 課前閱讀  背景講授 課堂小組
 小組報告  評量
 preview background teaching  class discussion   group presentation  evaluation





                       Concepts and class activity map

★概念與案例說明 / Concepts 

 ★   課堂活動  / class activity map








  • 科技與社會Technology and Society
  • 科學知識及思考Science knowledge and thinking
  • 社會及性別刻板印象Society and Gender Stereotype
  • 科技與政治Technology and Politics


林文源 教授

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