10502 人文社會學群 教育與學習科技學系


邱洋 教授




2024-07-26 OCW❤️EMI -清華電資領航、迎戰未來! 由清華電資堅強的師資陣容為您打造邏輯思維與推理能力,讓您學習UPDATE贏在起跑點 !!
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尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!


Progress Descriptions



◆Queen Xiaozhuang warned the ministers: the leader can let subordinates revere.
◆Emperor Kangxi has various attitudes to ministers: the managers should understand the situations, and they cannot do whatever they want.
◆The ministers want to discuss the occupation of land: the observers need to concern about the pre-phenomena and the imagination.
◆Emperor Kangxi learned from histories: the survival philosophy of career.
◆The process of Emperor Kangxi gets underlings hearts: to get others hearts
◆The process of 3 ministers discussing strategies: the leaders need to stay mysterious.
◆The Grandma Empress reminds Emperor Kangxi: Using right ways to get others hearts.
◆Emperor Kangxi discusses his worries with maids: a leader should have a far vision, and the ways to get others hearts.
◆Emperor Kangxi treats ministers’ ways: make a prompt decision.
◆Emperor Kangxi went on an inspection in disguise: using the advantages to get the power.


◆康熙與大臣們討決策前可不同心,但決策後要協力 。
◆康熙接見靳輔討論治水之事; 給「名」可以完成很多事 

◆Emperor Kangxi visited Obai’s house and showed consolation: the purposes behind the benefits that the leaders give out.
◆Emperor Kangxi plans after the inspection in disguise: the relationship between leaders and subordinates
◆Zhou Peigong talks about the way to rule a military during Emperor Kangxi’s inspection.
◆Emperor Kangxi and ministers discuss the policies: it’s ok to claim different ideas before the decision but it is necessary to cooperate after making decisions.
◆Emperor Kangxi and Queen Xiaozhuang: play a good or bad guy.
◆The process of Emperor Kangxi receiving Ge-Long: to get the enemy assistant hearts
◆When Emperor Kangxi and ministers have different ideas: the subordinates should execute the plans whole-heartedly, but it’s ok to suggest the leaders.
◆Emperor Kangxi receives Jin-Fu to discuss how to manage water: giving “names” can complete many things.
◆Songgotu thinking about how to eliminate the suspicion of the Emperor Kangxi: One step back today for two steps forward tomorrow.
 ◆The reaction of Emperor Kangxi about the incident that scholars made mistakes on purpose during the test: holding your cards close to your vest and to apply the carrot and stick judiciously



◆Emperor Kangxi’s clever policy plans: the balancing skills
◆Emperor Kangxi receives Sego, comforts him: giving grace and enticing by benefits
◆Emperor Kangxi arranges the pale, and Gao Shi-Qi gives suggestions: leaders choose the people, but they need to keep distance.
◆Two master ministers fight against each other: the balancing skills.
◆Zhou Peigong give suggestions to Emperor Kangxi: being staff members or assistants need many thoughts and plans.
◆Emperor Kangxi subdues Mongolia headman—Seautois: the reward and the punishment
◆Emperor Kangxi asks Yao, Qi-Sheng to supervise Sego: The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.
◆Fei, Yang-Gu knows the data: well-using of scientific data
◆Emperor Kangxi knows the human nature to get ministers hearts: leaders should know what were the subordinate thinking about.
◆The Grandma Empress reminds Emperor Kangxi: good and bad usually come together.



◆Emperor Kangxi’s ministers’ styles: leaving a little mistake but hiding the strike lights
◆Emperor Kangxi inspired the soldiers by his speech: by delivering an enthusiastic speech, the leader can make the subordinates obey and believe in him.
◆Emperor Kangxi hold the family banquet at the imperial garden: stand in others’ shoes.
◆Wu, Si-Dao suggests Yin-Zhen to fight for the crown: before you take actions in the organization, you have to prepare completely.
◆Emperor Kangxi arranges the succession: finished it thankfully
◆Emperor Kangxi punished Yin-Zhen to stop his delusion: when leaders want to make someone to leave, no matter whether there is a reason that subordinate have to obey.
◆Wu, Si-Dao analyzes the Emperor Kangxi’s thoughts to Yin-Zhen: the emperor’s psychology and the things that are unfair.



  • 歷史管理
  • Historical management
  • 孝莊皇后
  • 康熙
  • 鄔思道