11101 人文社會學群 計量財務金融學系


林哲群 教授




2025-03-25 OEGlobal 2026 conference
2025-03-12 【校友力量大】李丞恩校友|程守慶教授複變數函數論筆記!
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友| 電子學A筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分2B筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分1筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分2A筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友| 電子學B筆記 !
2025-03-03 分享是最偉大的學習|李丞恩校友捐贈 高等微積分大要筆記 !
2025-02-25 分享是最偉大的學習|李丞恩校友捐贈10702吳尚鴻教授深度學習筆記!!
2025-02-19 分享是最偉大的學習|固態物理與電子薄膜筆記分享!
2025-02-18 臺灣開放式課程暨教育聯盟|榮獲內政部113年度全國社會公益團體貢獻獎 - 金質獎 (感謝會員學校齊心努力!)
2025-02-14 訊號與系統必修之選【電機資訊必考科目,清大低調巨匠洪樂文教授全英親授】
2025-02-13 A Must-Take Course on Signals and Systems - 【A Core Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Taught by NTHU’s Esteemed Scholar, Professor Yao-Win Peter Hong】
2025-02-06 2023 引領教學潮流 : 大學教授的魅力品牌之路 !
2025-02-06 教師備課一定要知道3件事分享報導 ! (20221101)




Course Description     
Professor Lin's teaching style is clear and well-organized, yet infused with a sense of humor. He adopts a step-by-step approach in course design, starting from the fundamentals of financial statemen and ratio analysis, enabling students to acquire the most practical financial knowledge. Building on this foundation, he guides students to apply the learned concepts to understand corporate governance and investment decision-making.
Moreover, by integrating current events into his teaching, Professor Che-Chun cultivates students' sensitivity to financial news, encouraging them to apply textbook knowledge to real-world situations.

 第1講財務報表 I 
 Financial Statements I
  資產負債表 Balance Sheet
  〡 資產、負債、股東權益Assets, Liabilities, Shareholder's Equity〡 庫藏股 Treasury Stock 〡 時事: 彈性面額、備供出售 Current Issues: Flexible Par Value, Available-for-Sale
  損益表 Income Statement 
  〡基本原理與分析Basic Principles and Analysis 〡 時事: 十號公報 Current Issues: Issue No. 10 Announcement〡 現金流量表 Cash Flow Statement  
   現金流量表 Cash Flow Statement  
  〡現金流量恆等式 Cash Flow Identity 〡 現金流量的變化 Changes in Cash Flow 〡 資產負債表、損益表與現金流量表三者間的關係 Relationship between Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement

 第2講 財務報表II 
  Financial Statements II
財務比率 Financial Ratios
 〡各項財務比率代表的意涵和缺陷 Meaning and Limitations of Various Financial Ratios 
損益兩平分析與風險分析 Break-Even Analysis and Risk Analysis
 〡損益兩平的計算和分析 Calculation and Analysis of Break-Even Point〡 槓桿程度的意義和計算 Significance and Calculation of Leverage  

 Financial Planning and Working Capital Management
短期融資和短期財務決策 Short-Term Financing and Short-Term Financial Decisions
 〡營運資金管理 Working Capital Management 〡 營業週期和現金週期 Operating Cycle and Cash Cycle 〡 案例探討: 世平興業資產擔保商業本票 Case Study: Shih Ping Industrial Company's Secured Commercial Bills
長期成長和長期財務規劃 Long-Term Growth and Long-Term Financial Planning 
 〡財務規劃與財務預測模型 Financial Planning and Financial Forecasting Models〡 外部融資與內部成長率 External Financing and Internal Growth Rate 〡 財務政策與成長率 Financial Policy and Growth Rate〡 

 Company Valuation
企業價值衡量 Measurement of Enterprise Value
  〡自由現金流量 Free Cash Flow 〡 資金調度、資金成本 Funds Allocation, Cost of Capital 〡 企業價值 Enterprise Value 〡 舉例: 中鋼公司價值評價Case Study: China Steel Corporation's Valuation 〡
評價年輕的成長型公司 Valuation of Young Growth Companies
 〡內在評價法Intrinsic Valuation Method 〡

 Investment Strategies
投資策略 Investment Strategies
 〡投資準則Investment Criteria 〡 衡量投資計畫的方法Methods of Evaluating Investment Projects 

 Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions

〡併購的方式與型態〡併購的動機與併購產生之綜效Methods and Types of Mergers and Acquisitions 〡 併購的動機與併購產生之綜效 Motivations and Synergies of Mergers and Acquisitions 

第7講 財務專題 
 Financial Topics
存託憑證 Depository Receipts
 〡 存託憑證交易類別Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Depository Receipts and Their Trading Methods 〡 台灣市場案例Taiwan Market Case Studies
減資Capital Reduction
 〡減資的分類和影響 Classification and Impact of Capital Reduction 〡 台灣市場案例 Taiwan Market Case Studies 〡
可轉換公司債 Convertible Bonds 
 可轉換公司債的介紹和套利方式 Introduction and Arbitrage Methods of Convertible Bonds 〡 台灣市場案例 Taiwan Market Case Studies 〡

第8講 財務專題
 Financial Topics II 
結構債 Structured Bonds 
 〡結構債的介紹和商品 Introduction and Features of Structured Bonds 〡 台灣市場案例Taiwan Market Case Studies 〡

 量化寬鬆貨幣政策(QE) Quantitative Easing - QE
〡三次量化寬鬆貨幣政策 Three Rounds of Quantitative Easing 〡 2008年金融海嘯 2008 Financial Crisis 〡


指定用書 &先修課程
Text  Books  & Prerequisite

 Financial Management – Easy to Get StartedNTHU Press
 No prior specialized knowledge is required,as the course focuses on mastering practical financial knowledge and
 cultivating sensitivity to current financial events.

Books by Professor Che-Chun Lin




  • 財務分析financial analysis
  • 財務報表Financial Statements
  • 資金管理money management
  • 投資策略Investment Strategy
  • 財務專題Financial topics


林哲群 教授

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