10502 人文社會學群 教育心理與諮商學系


高淑芳 教授


國立清華大學教育心理與諮商學系  教授
美國愛荷華大學心理學    博士

【專長】 認知心理學、實驗心理學、心理與教育統計、量的研究法

裘友善 教授


國立清華大學教育心理與諮商學系  教授
美國愛荷華大學心理學      博士

【專長】 普通心理學、實驗心理學、認知心理學、




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尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!


Lecture 1 What is Psychology (I)
Lecture 2 What is Psychology (II)
Lecture 3 Biology Psychology (I)
Lecture 4 Biology Psychology (II)
Lecture 5 Senses and Conscience (I)
Lecture 6 Senses and Conscience (II)
Lecture 7 Conscience (I)
Lecture 8 Conscience (II)
Lecture 9 Learning (I)
Lecture 10 Learning (II)
Lecture 11 Memory (I)
Lecture 12 Memory (II)
Lecture 13 Thinking and Language (I)
Lecture 14 Thinking and Language (II)


第 1 週
◆Introduce the definition and context of psychology
◆Exploring human mentality, the impact of subconscious, the scope of the definition of psychology 
Introduce various known types of psychology in research and its purposes
◆Describe multiple dimensions of psychology and systematically investigate basic concepts, milestones, and contributions
◆Describe the analytical, creating, and practicality of thinking about different theories
◆Describing various experimental methods in psychology and important notices about issues

第 2 週
◆Psychologists need to conduct experiments objectively and collect evidence to judge unbiasedly
◆While conducting experiments, there are conditions that need to be controlled, and the importance of these conditions to the experiments
◆Introducing how to design and analyze related research
◆The possibility of how to use statistics results, and how to reach conclusions from the given data
◆Terms: mode, theory, study, concepts, ways to operate, and variables
◆Describing how to control, interfere, and adjust variables 
◆Ethical issues in statistics when conducting research, or how to handle situations of interviewees being affected
◆Different perspectives and theories in the history of psychology 
◆Discuss the problems and goals in psychology formed by different groups


第 3 週
◆Use Darwin’s Natural selection theory as a starting point for proving genetic studies
◆Exploring whether individual factors are caused by genetics or environmental influence
◆Discussing how hereditism and environmentalism reach a consensus in psychology 
◆Various areas in the nervous system, its structure, function, and delivering messages
◆Aside from the nervous system, there is also the pituitary gland that controls the endocrine system, and introduce the basic structure and functions of the brain. 
◆Use models to clearly introduce different areas of the brain and its structure and functions
◆The relation of various areas of the body parts to the central nervous system and understand the operation of the brain 
◆How to overcome the problems caused by the split brain in daily life 

第 4 週
◆Overview of biological psychology
◆Neurons conduction video explanation
◆Various brain waves video explanation
◆Using videos to get a better idea of our brain development
◆The impact of hereditary on genetic development
◆The interaction between hereditary and environment

第 5 週
◆Describe the definition and discussion methods of feelings, consciousness, and absolute threshold
Introduce the goal of signal detection theory and analyze the conclusion
◆The comparison and sorting of absolute threshold, difference threshold, signal detection theory
◆Describing visual, brain, eye structure and connections
◆The impact of rods and cones on our vision
◆Explaining the forming of after image reaction, the forming of hearing, and related biological structure 
◆How the position of our voice is affected by sound waves and time difference
◆How smell and taste complement each other. Describe the form of dermal sensation and the importance of pain


第 6 週
◆The progress of how conscious course stimulates feeling and gives meaning
◆In the research of consciousness, visual is the most discussed, and the most easily affected by environmental factors
◆Consciousness often develop consistency towards objects that have similar appearance
◆People often use their eyes to construct accurate spatial concept
◆Describe light and dark, motion, adaptation, etc, monocular depth cues
◆Three complete principles of consciousness, raise the Muller-Lyer Illusion and Ponzo Illusion examples for explanation 
◆How length and transparency develops visual illusions, delusions, and unreasonable images
◆The inspiration of visual illusion and hidden image 

第 7 週
◆Introduce the definition and incentive of consciousness, explore the phenomenon of selective awareness
◆Describe following experiments and the experimental method of the Stroop effect and conclusion analysis
◆Explore the definition of subconscious, the phenomenon of its importance and related terms
◆Subthreshold signals and the triggering effect in experiment conclusions that prove the impacts of sub consciousness
◆Discussing the definition, indicator, and impact of conscious change
◆Describing the characteristics of brain waves at different phases in sleep 

第 8 週
◆Promoting definitions and experiment methods; learning to differentiate between deep sleep and light sleep
◆Introducing Freud’s views and how he inspired others—organizing different points/views of hypotheses
◆What is hypnotize, steps to executing it, the impacts and trends it brings, and discussing the controversial points of it.
◆Hypnotizing and being hypnotized are seen as the same as relationship of the authority and the submissive
◆Discuss the realistic aspect of hypnotizing, how those being hypnotized are affected, and the research results
◆Discussing the conscious state of those meditating, and their bodily and mental change
◆Explaining how medication affects the neurotransmitter, and the possibility of developing poisoning or drug resistance
◆What is addiction, abstinence phenomenon placebo, against placebo effect

第 9 週
◆How theories raise operant conditioning and its characteristics towards learning
◆Ignoring the negative influence of stimulation, introducing new born animals’ innate knowledge reaction—imprinting 
◆Russian scholar Pavlov’s operant conditioning experiment results and his great findings
◆The difference and argument of the matching types of classical condition
◆Describe in detail the classical conditioning progress of obtaining, weakening, and naturally recovering, categorizing and distinguishing. 
◆Describing the application of classical conditioning, and using videos to provide realistic examples


第 10 週
◆Describing classical conditioning, applying operant conditioning in daily life and introducing the principles
◆Raising examples to explain operant conditioning, organizing the differences in strengthening functions of various types
◆Using Skinner’s training pigeons experiment video to explain the progress of molding operant conditioning 
◆Explaining the definition of positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment, and the application of these methods in education 
◆Using real example videos to explain how learner helplessness affects the learner’s mentality 
◆Describing the conditions for social learning theory, and how observing places an important role in children imitation 

第 11 週
◆Introducing and discussing amnesia
◆Introducing various definitions and research methods of memory theories
◆Discussing the difference between procedural memory and declarative memory, and the research methods for working memory theory and deep memory 
◆Discussing the importance of sensory memory and short term memory

第 12 週
◆Analyzing the difference between implicit memory and explicit memory, and the same level of importance of both memories
◆How the level of concentrating and strategy method impacts the effectiveness of memory storage 
◆Memory is process of the repeated description which reaches a refined version of repetition. 
◆Analyze the difference between short term memory and long term memory and research methods
◆Utilizing reiteration, refined repetition, blocks and acknowledgement of self-monitored memory storage
◆Original environment, frequency of utilization, complexity and restoration effect influences the success rate of retrieval memory
◆The characteristics and comparison between human brain and computer 
◆Similar objectives will have different interpretations and meaning due to different regions 




  • 普通心理學 上
  • General Psychology Ⅰ