11101 工程學群 電機工程學系

電子學〡Offered in English

金雅琴 教授

國立清華大學電機工程學系   教授
美國加州大學柏克萊電機工程學系        博士

【網站】 http://well.ee.nthu.edu.tw/ycking/
【專長】 非揮發性記憶體、CMOS影像感測器
【榮譽】 ♠ 2012年|傑出學術研究出版獎勵

♠ 2010年|JSID最佳論文獎
♠ 2008年|吳大猷先生紀念獎
♠ 2007年|Outstanding Youth Electrical Engineer Award
♠ 2003年|國立清華大學新進人員研究獎



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This course is an introductory course of microelectronics. We will focus on the fundamental knowledge of microelectronic circuits and emphasize the design- oriented approach... 
 Course Description 
This course is an introductory course of microelectronics. We will focus onthe fundamental knowledge of microelectronic circuits and emphasize the design-oriented approach. This course introduces the most important concepts for design of analog circuits such as semiconductor diodes and transistors, and various amplifier configurations. The frequency response, differential pairs,
multistageamplifiers are also included. By developing solid understanding of basic knowledge, learning microelectronics could be enjoyable.   
Text Books 
B. Razavi, "Fundamentals of Microelectronics," Wiley, 2008.
Teaching Method
Power point handouts are used in this class together with a tablet computer for equation derivation and additional materials. The course materials are also recorded by the software "powercam" and uploaded in LMS system for easy access. A quiz is held on a bi-weekly basis to help the students following the course schedule. The homework is also assigned bi-weekly. The students also have the opportunity to use the CAD tool (SPICE) for circuit design and verify the materials learned in the class.
1.  Introduction to microelectronics (ch. 1)

  -  Examples of electronic systems
  -  Basic circuit theorems

2.  Basic physics of semiconductors and diodes (ch. 2 and ch. 3)

  -  Semiconductor material properties
  -  PN junction and diodes
  -  Diode circuits and applications

Basic physics of transistors and their equivalent circuit models

(ch. 4 and ch. 6)

  -  Basic structures and characteristics of MOSFETs and BJTs
  -  Equivalent circuit model of MOSFETs and BJTs
  -  Large-signal and small-signal operation

4.  Single-stage (multi-stage) amplifiers and frequency response

(ch. 5, ch. 7, ch. 9, and ch. 11)

  -  MOSFET and BJT amplifier topologies (CS, CG, CD, and cascode)
  -  Transfer function and Bode's plot
  -  Frequency response of different amplifiers

5.  Differential amplifiers (ch. 9 and ch. 10)

  -  Basic MOS and BJT differential pairs

  -  Large-signal and small-signal analysis

  -  Current mirror and active load




  • 英文課程
  • Offered in English
  • 電子學
  • Electronics
  • microelectronic device
  • circuits