11101 人文社會學群 科技管理學院

孫運璿科技講座演講〡科管院 Talk

科館院 教授

國立清華大學   科技管理學院簡介
【網站】 http://www.ctm.nthu.edu.tw

【目標】 ♠ 教育 - 深耕沃土培養新芽

♠ 學術 - 匯聚人才砥礪思想
♠ 國際化 - 塑造品牌近悅遠來
♠ 在職教育 - 領導心法回流充電
♠ 校友與在校生連結 - 青銀傳承科管長路
【社群】 ♠ YT - https://reurl.cc/bG9Kxv



2024-07-26 OCW❤️EMI -清華電資領航、迎戰未來! 由清華電資堅強的師資陣容為您打造邏輯思維與推理能力,讓您學習UPDATE贏在起跑點 !!
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Course Description 

        本院於2000年成立時,為全國首創以「科技+管理」為教學研究重點的學院, 結合清大原有的優異理工基礎,發展跨科技領域的管理課程與研究, 以培育具扎實經濟知識基礎之科技管理、科技法律及財務金融等專業人才為首要目標。 本院近年積極承擔大學社會責任,為協助實現各項聯合國永續發展目標,力促全球與在地並重的企業家與領袖教育。 
When our institute was established in 2000, it was the first in the nation to focus on "Science + Management" as its core teaching and research emphasis. By combining the excellent foundation in science and engineering of National Tsing Hua University, we have developed interdisciplinary management courses and research to cultivate professionals with a solid understanding of economics, technology management, technology law, and financial finance as the primary goal. In recent years, our institute has actively taken on the social responsibility of universities, aiming to assist in achieving various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and promoting education for global and local entrepreneurs and leaders.

  Interview with Former Deans on the 20th Anniversary of the College of Management - Rapid Fire Q&A

- 史欽泰院長、黃朝熙院長、莊慧玲院長、林哲群院長
  The 20th anniversary of the Institute of Science and Management interviewed the previous deans - Dean Shi Qintai, Dean Huang Chaoxi, Dean Zhuang Huiling, and Dean Lin Zhequn
  史欽泰院長 -碩士在職專班教授
  Dean Shih Chin-tai - Professor of Executive Master's Program 
  黃朝熙院長 - 經濟學系教授
  Dean Huang Chao-hsi - Professor of Economics Department 


 莊慧玲院長 - 經濟學系教授
  Dean Chuang Hui-ling - Professor of Economics Department 
   林哲群院長 -計量財務金融學系教授
  Dean Lin Che-chun - Professor of Department of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management


  專訪2022孫運璿科技講座|葉金川 榮譽教授
  Honorary Professor Yeh Chin-chuan - Director of the Chinese Blood Donation Movement Association, Honorary Professor of Public Health at Tzu Chi University
   葉金川 榮譽教授 - 中華捐血運動協會理事長
  Honorary Professor Yeh Chin-chuan - Director of the Chinese Blood Donation Movement Association,  Honorary Professor of Public Health at Tzu Chi University

  專訪2022孫運璿科技講座|胡國琳 創辦人
  Exclusive Interview with 2022 Sun Yunxuan Technology Lecture | Founder Hu Guolin
  ♠ 胡國琳 創辦人兼執行 - Founder and CEO of 
                                          RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC 
  Hu Guolin - Founder and CEO of RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC 

  專訪2022孫運璿科技講座|吳玉山  院士
  Exclusive Interview with 2022 Sun Yunxuan Technology Lecture | Academician Wu Yushan
  吳玉山  院士-中研院院士、台大政治系教授 
     Academician Wu Yushan - Academia Sinica Academician, Professor at National Taiwan University 


  專訪2022孫運璿科技講座|王安祈 名譽教授
  Exclusive Interview with 2022 Sun Yunxuan Technology Lecture | Professor Emeritus
Wang Anqi 
   王安祈 名譽教授-國光劇團總監、台灣大學名譽教授
      Professor Emeritus Wang Anqi - Artistic Director of Guoguang Opera Company, Honorary Professor at
    National Taiwan University 




  • 孫運璿科技講座演講
  • 科管院 Talk
  • 清華大學科技管理學院
  • 科管院歷任院長
  • 孫運璿科技講座
  • 葉金川榮譽教授
  • 胡國琳創辦人
  • 吳玉山院士
  • 王安祈名譽教授