09802 人文社會學群 通識教育中心


嚴震生 教授

國立清華大學通識教育中心    教授
美國普渡大學政治學系     博士
【經歷】 Division of American and European Studies,

Institute of International Relations, 
National Chengchi University Research Fellow, 
Institute of International Relations, 
National Chengchi University Ph.D,
Political Science, the Purdue University.
【網站】 http://cge.gec.nthu.edu.tw/faculty-2.html
【授課】 美國政治、國際時事與英語溝通、第三世界政治、國際組織
【專長】 比較政治、國際關係、美國政治、非洲政治



2024-07-26 OCW❤️EMI -清華電資領航、迎戰未來! 由清華電資堅強的師資陣容為您打造邏輯思維與推理能力,讓您學習UPDATE贏在起跑點 !!
2024-07-23 恭賀 ! 李敏校資長 榮獲113年教育部師鐸獎!
2024-07-10 2024年9月-11月開放式課程工讀招募至8/23(五)12:00截止,工讀履歷隨到隨審,謝謝!
2024-06-28 【2024開放式課程*超猛筆記大募集】我們深信學習不是少數人的事,而是所有人的事,敬邀您的熱血參與!!!
2024-06-11 2024暑期工讀招募至6/17(一)12:00截止!
2024-05-27 敬祝各位老師端午佳節愉快!
2024-05-16 10920趙啟超教授離散數學版書上架通知!!謝謝大家!!
2024-05-16 【12/27 白先勇與吳素君教授〡天倫之歌-《孽子》2020舞台劇的幕前、幕後演講活動分享】
2024-05-16 【開放式課程】您想知道清大有哪些優質的免費課程嗎 ? 您想提升自我競爭力、一睹大師的上課風采盡在 NTHU OCW ! !
2024-05-16 【魅力專欄】鄉民最愛迷因網站梗圖倉庫-用鄉民梗激發您的學習力 !
2024-05-16 恭賀 數學系程守慶教授獲聘為113年度「理學院終身榮譽講座教授」!
2024-05-16 【開放式課程魅力專題報導】馬斯克時間拳擊法!馬斯克是1年當8年用、而我們是8年當1年用,如何對症下藥逆轉人生一窺箇中奧秘!
2024-05-16 【2023/12/27首頁故事:動機系葉廷仁特聘教授清華學生團隊打造自動平衡摩托車】
2024-05-16 【分享是最偉大的學習】清華大學電機系〡馬席彬教授專訪!
2024-05-16 2020-2023 年度熱門課程 : 資工系周志遠教授簡介
2014-08-25 【開放式課程】9701至9902參考用書與採購指南!
2014-08-11 【開放式課程問卷調查】優質課程推薦請您踴躍填卷!
2014-08-11 開放式課程、磨課師與高三放心學雲端教室學習新知快訊!
2014-05-22 ocw.-moocs-.-funlearning線上課程比較報你知!
2014-05-22 清華大學學習資源一覽表,歡迎您踴躍使用!
2012-07-24 【管理】NTHU OCW誠摯地歡迎您的加入!
2012-05-30 【管理】開放式課程陪您一起打贏這場期末戰役
2012-05-02 【溫馨小提醒】別忘囉!說聲母親節快樂!
2012-03-27 【管理】傾聽您的心聲,請您踴躍填卷!!
2012-01-18 【管理】預祝您新年快樂!



老師上課語調與你的接收器頻率不對tone,越聽越不懂?艱澀的課程令人昏昏欲睡,抄的筆記更猶如鳳舞龍飛?別擔心,快到 清大開放式課程教學平台 尋找諸位能力高超的魔法師把原本無趣的課程變得 生動活潑 清楚易懂!


Course Description 
This course aims at introducing students the political development of the Third World, including impact of colonial history, ethnic and cultural conflicts, authoritarian rule by the military, revolutions and civil wars, economic development, democratization and electoral politics, and influence of globalization. In addition to the basic understanding of general knowledge on the Third World (Asia, Africa and Latin America), the main purpose of this course is to enable students to have a deeper appreciation of the problems and challenges faced by these countries.


Text Books 
Jeffrey Haynes, Third World Politics: A Concise Introduction. Blackwell, 1996. 



1. Vicky Randall and Robin Theobald, Political Change and Underdevelopment: A Critical Introduction to Third World Politics, 2nd Edition. Duke University Press, 1998. 
2. Ted C. Lewellen, Dependency and Development: An Introduction to the Third World. Bergin & Garvey, 1995. 
3. Mark Kesselman, Introduction to Third World Politics. Houghton Mifflin, 2000.



Teaching Method 
This class is comprised of both lecture and discussion. Students are expected to participate in class discussion. This is considered to be an integral part of the learning process and will be weighed in the final grade. A student should try to finish the reading assignment before each class, take notes during the class, and review the materials after the class on his/her own. The medium of communication in this course is English. Textbooks, lecture, examinations, report and class discussion will all be conducted in English. If you do not feel comfortable with this format, you should re-consider whether this course truly meet your needs. 




1. Introduction - Defining the Third World 
2. State and Society 
3. Military 
4. Civil War and Revolution
5. Democracy 
6. Economic Development 
7. Religion, Ethnicity and Identity 
8. Human Rights 
9. Women and Power 
10. Globalization 
11. Environment 
12. Conclusion



Both objective and short essay questions will be used in the midterm and final examinations (in English). Objective questions include multiple choice, true and false, matching and fill in the blank.

In the Third World country report, which should be written and typed in English as well, a student is required to find out the following relevant information: 

1) Name of the Country, English & Chinese (both Mainland and Taiwan usage) 
2) Name of the People 
3) Colonial Power (if any) 
4) Name of the Country during Colonial Time (if any) 
5) Date of Independence 
6) Capital, English & Chinese (both Mainland and Taiwan usage) 
7) Official Language(s) 
8) National System (centralized or federal) 
9) Political System (presidential, parliamentary, semi-presidential) 
10) Political Parties 
11) Head of State and Head of Government 
12) Electoral System (presidential and parliamentary) 
13) Result of Most Recent Presidential and Parliamentary Elections 
14) Next Presidential and Parliamentary Elections 
15) Occurrence of Military Coup 
16) Territory 
17) Population 
18) Human Development Index (including life expectancy, literacy rate and purchasing power parity) 
19) Major Ethnic Groups 
20) Major Religions 

The map test requires a student to identify the countries of the Third World and place them in seven different regions: Caribbean Islands and Central America, Central Asia and Trans-Caucasus, East and Southeast Asia, Middle East and North Africa, Pacific Islands, South America, and South Asia 



  • 第三世界政治Third World Politics
  • 內戰Civil War
  • 人權Human Rights
  • 女權Women and Power
  • 第三世界The Third World
  • 殖民統治Colonial Power


嚴震生 教授

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