10802 工程學群 電機工程學系

2018 Moocs〡數位聲訊分析與合成

劉奕汶 教授


國立清華大學電機工程學系  特聘教授 
美國史丹佛大學電機      博士

【經歷】 國立清華大學102、102、105校傑出教學獎
【網站】 http://www.ee.nthu.edu.tw/ywliu/
【授課】 數位聲訊分析與合成、數位訊號處理、機率、線性代數、類神經網路
【專長】 信號處理, 聽覺科學



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2025-01-03 ❤ 開放式課程授權合作推薦 Open Course Cooperation Recommendation ❤
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介紹信號處理在音樂、語音、或其他日常生活中聽得到的聲訊中的應用:包含分析與合成兩大部分。學生修完本課程,應能對這個領域的核心技術、背景觀念有充分理解......This course introduces the application of signal processing, including analysis and synthesis, in music, audio or other sounds that can be heard in daily life. After completing this course, students should be able to fully understand the core technology and basic concepts in this field.


      Course Description
  信號與系統,線性代數, 或由授課老師許可. 亦歡迎有興趣之大學部高年級同學選修.
  This course introduces the application of signal processing, including analysis and synthesis, in music, audio or other sounds that can be heard in daily life. After completing this course, students should be able to fully understand the core technology and basic concepts of this field, and immerse yourself in new research topics in this field, in order to stimulate creativity and conduct in-  depth research of interest. It is recommended that students have the ability to write MATLAB or other programming languages. 
Prerequisite courses
Signals and Systems, Linear Algebra, or with the permission of the instructor. 
  Interested junior and senior students are also welcome to take this course. 
♠ 講義與討論文獻將隨課程之進行而發出。 
  Handouts and scholarly paper in course discussion
  will be sent out in due course.





  • 數位聲訊分析與合成Analysis and synthesis of digital audio signals
  • 離散時間傅立葉轉換Discrete Time Fourier Transform
  • 線性非時變系統 Linear Time-Invariant
  • 窗函數在頻域分析上的效應Windowing effects with frequency analysis
  • 頻譜估計Spectral Estimation
  • 音高之聽覺生理基礎Physiological Basis for Pitch Percept
  • 費希爾訊息Fisher Information

Chapters on OCW


劉奕汶 教授

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