10702 工程學群 資訊工程學系

Web Programming, Technologies, and Applications

吳尚鴻 教授

國立清華大學資訊工程學系    教授 
國立台灣大學資訊工程學系       博士

【教學】 機器學習理論、雲端資料庫、APP創業與實作
【研究】 機器學習、巨量資料處理、App 智能
【榮譽】 New Faculty Research Award, NTHU, 2015 
  Outstanding Research Award, EECS, NTHU, 2014
Outstanding Teaching Award, EECS, NTHU, 2013
IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award, 2008 (70/575 worldwide)



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The classes are divided into three parts. First, we give a primer to web fundamentals such as HTTP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. We cover different programming paradigms, including the OOP and functional programming. Handy tools such as Git are covered to get students familiar with the project-based and team-based development. In the second part, we introduce modern web development techniques such as responsive design, Bootstrap, ES6/7, React, and Redux. Last, we extend our horizon to the backend and mobile development landscapes by introducing the Node.js, PostgreSQL database system, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and React Native. We also give case studies on how to leverage Machine Learning algorithms to convert raw user data into the AI.

Lecture  1 HTTP&HTML
Lecture  2 CSS
Lecture  3 Bootstrap and Responsive Design
Lecture  4 Javascript & DOM
Lecture  5 Modern Javascript

Reference Books 
Alexander Osterwalder, Business Model Generation: A Handbook for 
  Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, 2010
Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous 
  Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, 2011
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build
  the Future, 2014


Online Courses 

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)
♠ W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
React Convention: A coding by Convention Guide for React JS and React 

Native Developers



  • Web Programming
  • Technologies
  • Applications