L22A 1. Review: Geodesic Parametrization and Geodesic Coordinates 2. Theorem: Any Point of a Surface of Constant Gauss Curvature Is Contained in a Coordinates Neighborhood That Is Isometric to an Open Set of a Plane, a Sphere or a Pseudo-Sphere
L22B 1. Theorem: Any Point of a Surface of Constant Gauss Curvature Is Contained in a Coordinates Neighborhood That Is Isometric to an Open Set of a Plane, a Sphere or a Pseudo-sphere (cont.) 2. Simple Closed Piecewise Regular Parametrized Curve
L22C 1. Closed Vertices and Regular Arcs 2. Differentiable Functions That Measure the Positive Angle from x_u to the Tangent of a Simple Closed Curve