
【EMI英語教學精進中心】歡迎申請「清華英語授課專業成長伴飛計畫」10/28截止! 【Center for EMI Excellence】Apply Now!




親愛的老師 :

您對EMI(英語授課)好奇嗎? 找到志同道合的英語授課教學夥伴,讓資深老師帶您飛!! 讓您在教學上大放異彩!!

 讓您當學期少教1學分!
 每一社群補助最高4萬元!
 每門課教材最高獎勵2萬元!
 開課及分享教學案例再補助3萬元!
 分享最新英語授課教學資訊 !

馬上報名!1028 止!

常見問題 FAQ https://reurl.cc/34Wjel
■ 我們亦提供尋找隊友的媒合登記服務,若您有興趣參加,歡迎聯繫登記!

聯絡人: 張小姐 ( EMI英語教學精進中心 )
信箱: ktchang@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
分機: (03)571-5131 ext.35453



Dear faulty of NTHU,
Are you using English to teach academic subjects (other than English itself)?
Are you curious about EMI (English Medium Instruction)?
Learn how to teach in English with guidance from experienced teachers and excel with community members!

How do we support you?
 Reduce your teaching load by 1 credit!
 Enjoy a community subsidy of up to NT$40,000!
 Up to NT$20,000 for course material subsidy!
 Additional NT$30,000 for new EMI courses and lesson plans!
 Stay updated with the latest EMI info! Apply for the program NOW!

 Deadline: 10.28 ! https://forms.gle/EL8XccAo9hsGHS1C6

FAQ https://reurl.cc/34Wjel
■ We also provide a service for finding teammates.      
If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact us to register! 

Contact: Ms. Chang, Center for English Medium Instruction Excellence
Email: ktchang@gapp.nthu.edu.tw Extension
Number: (03)571-5131 ext.35453
