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Course Description
Generally speaking, the philosophy provides some of the more basic concepts or problems in human knowledge or experience and critical reflection. The main purpose of this course is to let students have a general understanding of some of the philosophical concepts and issues with special emphasis on developing his / her ability to think independently about these issues. Long words, we hope that through this course students can do the following:
Generally speaking, the philosophy provides some of the more basic concepts or problems in human knowledge or experience and critical reflection. The main purpose of this course is to let students have a general understanding of some of the philosophical concepts and issues with special emphasis on developing his / her ability to think independently about these issues. Long words, we hope that through this course students can do the following:
1. | 在閱讀文本的時 候,對其中相關的概念或論題,能恰當地掌握,而不致於有望文 |
生義、囫圇吞棗,或胡亂比附等弊病。 | |
When they read the text, they can properly understand the concept or topic instead of misunderstanding, absorbing without thinking, or connecting the wrong ideas. | |
2. | 能夠初步掌握這些概念或論題之所以產生之脈絡,以及掌握支持或反對這些論題的 |
各種論證,換言之,我們希望學生對這些哲學爭論的理路或辯證發展,能有一定的掌握。 | |
The course enables students to grasp these preliminary concepts or topics which results in the connection of context, and to realize the arguments of supportive and oppositive demonstration of these topics. In other words, we hope that students can realize these rational approach of philosophical debate or dialectical development. | |
3. | 我們希望學生能進一步對這些爭論,提出一己的分析與批判,並以清晰流暢的文字來表述之。 |
We hope that the students can further realize these arguments and provide their own analysis and criticism, and express with a clear and smooth language. | |
♠ | 《哲學概論》( About Philosophy, 8th edition ), Robert Paul Wolff 原著, |
譯者與校閱者:郭實渝 / 但昭偉 / 蘇永明 / 林逢祺 / 林福建,總校閱:黃藿,台北:學富文化事業有限公司, 2001 年。 | |
♠ | 此外我們可能會就相關的議題,補充一些其他哲學文獻方面的材料。 |
♠ | 《哲學入門九堂課》( What Does It All Mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy ) |
Thomas Nagel 原著,譯者:黃惟郁,究竟出版社, 2002 年。 |
Teaching Method
♠ | 教學以演講與討論為主;但我們會定期給學生家庭作業,以考核學生對課程內容理 |
解的程度。此外,由學生自行組成若干小組(數目視學生人數而定),選定一個題目,撰寫報告,在課堂上宣讀,由另一小組擔任評論,全班師生參與討論。(報告如何進行等細節, 另於課堂上宣佈。) | |
♠ | The course will be conducted by lecture and discussion, but we will regularly give students homework to evaluate students’ performance on the course. In addition, the students will be divided into groups (the number of groups depends on the number of students), select a topic, write reports, and read in the classroom. Another group will comment on the prsentation, and all class, including the teacher and students will participate in the discussion. (The details of the report will be announced in class.) |
♠ | 採取循序漸進的方式,針對上述的議題,逐一講授與討論(但議題之次序與內容之 |