由台積電文教基金會贊助,清華大學通識中心、語文中心、中文系共同規劃的「白先勇清華文學講座」,將邀請多位海內外學者與專家,帶領學生探索《紅樓夢》的人物與情感世界,領略經典文學傳世之美,進而培養清華學子的人文關懷。Sponsored by TSMC Education and Culture Foundation, " Kenneth Hsien-Yung Pai Literature Lectures ", jointly held by the Center for General Education, Department of Chinese Literature and Language Center of National Tsing Hua University, will invite Professor Hsien-Yung Pai and numerous domestic and foreign scholars to lead students to explore the emotional world of Chinese cultural classics and its ideological connotation, appreciate the beauty of classic literature, broaden the horizons of ancient and modern culture, and cultivate the humanistic care ability of students.
Exclusive Sponsorships: TSMC Education and Culture Foundation
Sponsored by TSMC Education and Culture Foundation, " Kenneth Hsien-Yung Pai Literature Lectures ", jointly held by the Center for General Education, Department of Chinese Literature and Language Center of National Tsing Hua University, will invite Professor Hsien-Yung Pai and numerous domestic and foreign scholars to lead students to explore the emotional world of Chinese cultural classics and its ideological connotation, appreciate the beauty of classic literature, broaden the horizons of ancient and modern culture, and cultivate the humanistic care ability of students.
In the digital age of globalization, how do we read and understand Chinese cultural classics? What kind of communication and dialogue can we establish with classic masterpieces? Sponsored by the TSMC Education and Culture Foundation, and jointly held by Center for General Education, Department of Chinese Literature and Language Center of National Tsing Hua University, " Kenneth Hsien-Yung Pai Literature Lectures " will invite Professor Hsien-Yung Pai and numerous domestic and foreign scholars to lead students to explore the emotional world of Chinese cultural classics and its ideological connotation, appreciate the beauty of classic literature, broaden the horizons of ancient and modern culture, and cultivate the humanistic care ability of students.