Lecture 12: State Space Design II
Selection of Pole Locations for Good Design
Pole Placement as a Dominant 2nd Order System
Optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)
Weighting Factor Design
Symmetric Root Locus (SRL)
Lecture 12: State Space Design II
Symmetric Root Locus (SRL)
SRL for Servo Speed Control
SRL Design for Satellite Attitude Control
Rigid Body Motion & DC Motor Dynamic
Lecture 12: State Space Design II
Rigid Body Motion & DC Motor Dynamic
mverted Pendulum & Pendulum
SRL Design for an Inverted Pendulum
Solving LQR Problems using Matlab
Limiting Behavior of LQR Regulator Poles
Robustness Properties of LQR Regulators
Estimator Design
Lecture 12: State Space Design II
Observer Design
Estimator Design
Full‐Order Estimators