Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
3-1 Saturable absorber
Rate equations of saturable absorber
Dynamic field loss coefficient
Rate equation of ground state density
Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
3-1 Saturable absorber
Fast saturable absorber (SA)
Slow SA dynamics: Stage 1
Slow SA dynamics: Stage 2
Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
3-1 Saturable absorber
Slow SA dynamics: Stage 2
Example: Semiconductor SA mirror
Example: Graphene
Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
Lesson 3: Light‐matter Interaction
3-2 Dynamic gain
Rate equations of gain medium
Rate equation of upper‐state density
Slow gain dynamics: Stage 1
Slow gain dynamics: Stage 2