09901 人文社會學群 通識教育中心


沈宗瑞 教授

國立清華大學通識中心  特聘教授
 台灣大學國家發展研究所法學    博士 
【經歷】  國立清華大學通識教育中心教授
【網站】 http://cge.gec.nthu.edu.tw/
【領域】 全球化議題、批判教育學研究、公民社會與法治、社會探究-全球化、 



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Course Description
        本課程偏重強調民主政治社會的形成過程與現代公民的權利與義務關係。課程安排上,將由台灣民主化的政治社會過程脈絡出發,討論各國公民涵意、國家與 社會關係、政治共同體、公民權與公民資格citizenship、國家權力與憲政體制、全球化公民意識與管理等課題,並從中綜合比較。冀望透過此課程,協 助學生提升分析台灣政治社會的能力與參與關懷社會的實際行動力。 
This course lays particular stress on the formation process of democratic society; the right and the obligation relationship of modern citizens. The curriculum will start from the process of political society during democratization in Taiwan, discussing issues about the meaning of "citizen" in different countries, the relationship between a nation and a society, the political community, the civil rights and the citizenship, the state power and the constitutional system, and the management of civil awareness under globalization, Making a comprehensive comparison in between. Through this course, I hope for enhancing students' ability to analyze Taiwan's political society and the actual ability to act on taking part in caring society.


ntroduction: The development of nations, social relationship, and democracy
1. 民主理論之意涵─近代民主之演進

The meaning of democratic theory─ The evolution of modern democracy
2. 公民意識與公民權的理論

Theories of civil awareness and civil rights
3. 台灣威權政體與政治社會結構

Taiwan's authoritarian politics and structure of political society
4. 威權政體民主化與自由化的轉型

Transition from authoritarianism to democratism and liberalism
5. 中央政府代議體制

Representative goverment
6. 當代各國公民權的發展與議題〈包括左右派的公民主張〉

 Development and issues of modern civil rights in different countries
( including civil opinions of left-wing and right-wing politics.)
7. 政治共同體及族群關係

Political community and ethnic relations
8.  輿論與媒體─自由權

Public opinion and mass media─ Liberty
9. 台灣地方政治與社區發展

The local politics and community development in Taiwan
10. 公民不服從與社會運動《公投》

Civil disobedience and social movements 《Referendum》
11. 生態環保

Ecological environment
12. 所得分配與公平正義〈包括教育資源分配〉

Income distribution, and justice and fairness
 (including the distribution of educational resources)

13. 外籍配偶的公民權

Civil rights of foreign spouses
14.  全球化與NGO、NPO的發展

Globalization and the development of NGO and NPO
15. 全球化、民主治理與全球公民責任

Globalization, democratic governmance and the responsibilities of global citizens

Important Sources 
  Shen,Zong-Rui, 2001,《國家與社會》, Taipei: Weber publication international
  Shen,Zong-Rui,〈兩種公民資格觀的歷史發展與對話〉,《教育與社會研究》, 2002
♠ 李丁讚,《公共領域在台灣─困境與契機》,殷海光基金會,2004 
  Li,Ding-Zan,《公共領域在台灣─困境與契機》, 殷海光基金會, 2004
♠ 李丁讚,〈民主,更是一種教育〉
♠ 江宜樺,〈民主〉,http://ccms.ntu.edu.tw/~jiang/PDF/D7.pdf
  Jiang,Yi-Hua,〈民主〉, http://ccms.ntu.edu.tw/~jiang/PDF/D7.pdf 
♠ 江宜樺,自由主義、民族主義與國家認同,台北:揚智。1998
  Jiang,Yi-Hua, 自由主義、民族主義與國家認同, Taipei: Yang-Chih Books Co. Ltd., 1998
♠ 若林正丈,台灣─分裂國家與民主化,台北:月旦,1995
  Wakabayashi Zhengzhang, Taiwan-Secession and Democratization, Taipei: Yuedan, 1995
♠ 相關西洋政治思想史,有關盧梭與洛克以及Robert A. Dahl之介紹
  Related history of western political thought, which is connected with the introduction  Rousseau, Locke and Robert A. Dahl.
♠ 呂炳寬等著,半總統制的理論與實際,台北:鼎茂,2005
  Written by Lu,Bing-Kuan and others, 半總統制的理論與實際,Taipei: 鼎茂, 2005
♠ Kate Nash著,林庭瑤譯,《當代政治社會學》,台北:韋伯,2001
Author: Kate Nash, Translator: Lin,Ting-Yao,《Contemporary Political 
 Sociology》,Taipei:Weber publication international,2001。
♠ J.M.Barbalet著,談谷錚譯,《公民資格》,台北:桂冠,1991
  Author:J.M.Barbalet, Translator: Tan,Gu-Zheng,《公民資格》, Taipei: Laurel press, 1991 
 David Held著,李銘珠譯,《民主與全球秩序─從現代國家到世界治理》,台北:正中,200
  Author: David Held, Translator: Li,Ming-Zhu,《民主與全球秩序─從現代國家到世界治理》, Taipei: 正中, 2004
♠ 在各論〈八到十四講〉部份案各節另列補充與分派最新資料
  The supplement and the latest information will be added in particular cases from the eighth to the twelveth lecture. 




  • 公民社會與法治Civil Society and Constitutional Democracy
  • 憲政體制Polity
  • 公民意識Civic consciousness
  • 政治共同體Community
  • 自由權Status libertatis
  • 公民權Citizenship rights


沈宗瑞 教授

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