
山不在高,有仙則名, 水不在深,有龍則靈。 斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。-陋室銘! 朗誦著這淡泊名利的詩詞,您想吸收中華文化五千年所累積下來的文化結晶嗎? “Known will a low hill be if the a fairy dwell; charmed will a shallow water be if a dragon reside; and fames will a humble house be if a virtuous person lives”.An Eulogy on My Humble Abode Do you want to know the wisdom of Chinese culture embedded in the beautiful poetry?


Description of the course

        歷史是一門時間的學問,演變與發展當然是重要的課題,但是造成重大變化,推動整體發展,仍然是人的努力。因此,關於人物的性格與表現, 人們的關懷與心態,應是這門課程的講授重點。在教師的引導下,帶領同學進入離我們已有千年以上的中國古代,認識一些人們的活動,瞭解他們的處境,看看他如何解決問題,欣賞某些人物的高貴情操與傑出表現……。這樣,學生應該可以得到學習歷史的樂趣,也可以擴大自己的生活經驗。 
        課程進行中,也會介紹歷史家的觀點與歷史學者的論證,讓學生了解「過去」是 怎樣被我們所「理解」。還會印發一些資料,在課堂中討論,課餘再發五篇左右,既有學術意義,又適合學生認知能力的「論文」,要學生研讀。這些做法,相信對於學生「歷史思維能力」的提升,必有助益。

The content of this course  is basically the same as in “History of China(a)” . The only difference is that  I will focus more  on the discussions on 'evolution' and 'development'. ,   Students who have  taken 'History of China (a)' are allowed to drop out this course.  History is the knowledge determined by time. Also, evolution and development are important issues in this course. However, it is people’s efforts that caused major changes and promoted the overall development in history. Therefore, the characters' performances and people's  attitude will be the main point in this course. With professor's instruction, students will be leaded into the ancient history of Chinato find out the historical condition which people encountered, to learn about the way of solving problems. and to appreciate the noble sentiments of some historical characters. In this way, students will be able to experience the pleasure of learning history, and expand their living experiences.

In order to make students understand how  we comprehend the past, the historians’ viewpoints and their arguments will be introduced in this course. Also, some other related materials  will be given in  class, and five papers with academic significances will be given to the students after class. By those practices, it should be beneficial to improve students' ability of 'historical thinking'.



一、 魯迅,〈魏晉文章與藥及酒的關係〉 
二、 全漢昇,〈唐宋帝國與運河〉
三、 聞一多,〈宮體詩的自贖〉
四、 吉川幸次郎著,鄭清茂譯,《宋詩概說‧序章》
五、 劉子健,〈背海立國與半壁山河的長期穩定〉
六、 蕭啟慶,〈蒙古帝國的崛興與分裂〉
七、 吳唅,〈明初的國子監〉




中國通史History of China,歷史思維能力Historical Thinking Skills,東晉時期Eastern Jin Dynasty,南朝Southern Dynasties,北朝Northern Dynasties,北宋時期Northern Song Dynasty
