張智星教授獨門的MATLAB知識,像是能夠用旋律分辨音樂的語音辨識程式等,幫您更新資訊科技發展的最新進度!智星教授在此遞上邀請函,邀請您參加華麗的【科學計算】舞會!笑臉迎人、帥氣逼人的張智星教授,在MATLAB的舞會現場等著你的到來!Welcome to Professor Jyh-Shing Roger Jang’s MATLAB world. Getting to know the latest development in computer science. Scientific Computing course teaches you how to distinguish music only with rhythm.
♠ | Calculus, Linear algebra |
♠ | MATLAB程式設計【進階篇】 by Roger Jang |
MATLAB Programming【Beginner】 by Roger Jang | |
♠ | Experiments with MATLAB by Cleve Moler |
♠ | Numerical computing with MATLAB by Cleve Moler |
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科學計算Scientific computing,MATLAB程式設計MATLAB programming,矩陣運算matrix operations,影像處理image processing