10101 人文社會學群 經濟學系


張寶塔 教授

國立清華大學經濟學系   特聘教授 
美國西北大學管理經濟學             博士
【經歷】 國立清華大學86、97、100傑出教學獎
【網站】 http://www.econ.nthu.edu.tw/files/11-1172-3714.php

【專長】 產學組織理論



寶塔教授的精闢數學解說,寶塔教授的精美圖形解析,寶塔教授的迷人上課風采,讓你三個願望一次滿足,用寶塔教授的專業撫平你選不到課的受傷心靈...enetrating explanation, clear illustration, and attracting teaching style, Professor Bao-Taa Chang makes your 3 wishes come true at once.
Course Description

      This is a two consecutive semesters course. There are five major parts of subjects to be introduced in this course. The subjects of the first part are about the household. We will focus on individual consumer's decision making with and without uncertainty. In the second part, we will focus on the decision making at the level of individual firm. Given the technological opportunities available to it, how much output will a firm choose to see, and how will the firm go about producing this output? In the third part, the competitive model will be introduced. We will see a competitive market produces results that are in some sense "good". In the fourth, we will see different kinds of market structures. The price and output decisions under different market structrue will be analyzed and compared with those under perfect competition. In the last part, the problem of missing market will be discussed. In the presence of asymmetric information, the markets for certain commodities may not come into existence. Even if markets exist, they may fail to allocate resources efficiently.



♠ 蔡攀龍, 張寶塔, 個體經濟學, 第一版, 2005

Pan-Long Tsai, Bao-Taa Chang, Microeconomics, first edition, 2005


 ♠  Katz, M.L. and H.S. Rosen, Microeconomics, 3rd Editoin, Irwin, 1998. 
 Perloff, Jeferey M., Mircoeconomics Theory and Applications with
  Calculus, 2nd edition, Pearson International Edition, Addison-Wesley Education, 2011. 
 Varian, H., Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approcach,
   7th Edition, W.W. North & Company, 2006 


Teaching Method

  This course will mainly deliver the content of the textbook and provide other
  textbooks’ content as additional reference.


       本學期預定講授指定教科書前八章, 平均每兩週講授一章. 每章均有作業, 由學生自行練習無須繳交. 每章課程講授完畢將舉行一次小考.其重點如下所示
In this semester, the first 8 chapters of the textbooks will be lectured. It takes 2 weeks to teach a chapter. There is homework in every chapter that students can practice by themselves and don’t need to hand in. A quiz will be held after a chapter is finished teaching. The key points are as followed:  

個體經濟學與市場經濟體系 Microeconomics and market structure

如:稀少性、生產可能曲線、經濟模型、經濟模型的檢定、循環流量模型、供需模型、市場均衡、 比較靜態分析、 數學模型
Example:rarity, production possibility curve, economics models, verification of economics models, circulation flow models, demand-supply models, market equilibrium, comparative static analysis, mathematical model


消費者行為consumer behavior

如:偏好、特殊形式的偏好、效用函數、序列效用與計數效用、預算限制、其他特別形狀的預算限制、預算者均衡、以拉格朗日法求最適解、拉格朗日乘數的意義、 角解、消費者均衡分析的應用.
Example:preference, special-type preference, utility function, ordinal utility and cardinal utility, budget line, other special-type budget lines, equilibrium of the consumer, using Lagrangian to approach the most appropriate answer, The meaning of Lagrange multiplier, corner solution, application of  analyzingequilibrium of the consumer

比較靜態與需求函數compare static and demand function

如:貨幣所得改變、產品自身價格變動與個人需求曲線、需求與價格消費曲線、需求量與求變動、其他產品價格改變、市場需求曲線、網路外部性、 彈性、需求彈性、需求彈性與總支出、所得彈性與交叉彈性.
Example:monetary income change, change of the product price and personal demand curve, demand and price consumption curve, quantity demanded and variation, other products’ price change, market demand curve, network externality, elasticity, demand elasticity, demand elasticity and aggregate expenditure, income elasticity and cross-price elasticity


消費者行為的進一步分析further analysis of consumer behavior:

如:substitution effect and income effect, compensated demand curve, Slutsky equation, net-replacement and net-complement, price change and welfare, compensatory variation and equivalentvariation, consumer surplus, consumer surplusquestion, revealed preference theory, WARP, substitution effect and income effect, revealed preference




  • 個體經濟學一Microeconomics I
  • 消費者行為Consumer behavior
  • 比較靜態與需求函數Comparative static demand function
  • 需求與供給demand and supply
  • 無異曲線indifference curve
  • 市場均衡market equilibrium
  • 效用函數utility function
  • 彈性elasticity
  • 供給行為Supply Behavior



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2025-03-07 李丞恩校友| 電子學A筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分2B筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分1筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友|高等微積分2A筆記 !
2025-03-07 李丞恩校友| 電子學B筆記 !
2025-03-03 分享是最偉大的學習|李丞恩校友捐贈 高等微積分大要筆記 !
2025-02-25 分享是最偉大的學習|李丞恩校友捐贈10702吳尚鴻教授深度學習筆記!!
2025-02-19 分享是最偉大的學習|固態物理與電子薄膜筆記分享!
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2025-02-03 【 NTHU OCW × EMI 】Let our professors' engaging teaching bring color to your learning memories!
2014-08-25 【開放式課程】10001至10301參考用書與採購指南!
2014-08-11 【開放式課程問卷調查】優質課程推薦請您踴躍填卷!
2014-08-11 開放式課程、磨課師與高三放心學雲端教室學習新知快訊!
2014-08-10 【清華大學】讓寶塔哥撫平你選不到個經的受傷心靈!
2014-05-22 ocw.-moocs-.-funlearning線上課程比較報你知!
2014-05-22 清華大學學習資源一覽表,歡迎您踴躍使用!
2014-05-16 【課程】寶塔個體經濟學2受傷筆記害羞登場!
2014-04-08 【溫馨小提醒】別忘囉!說聲母親節快樂!
2014-04-08 【管理】預祝您新年快樂!
2013-11-27 【管理】個體經濟學1 英漢名詞解釋索引隆重登場!
2013-08-11 【課程】在開放式課程遇見寶塔老師 ,開啟您個經學習之路!
2013-03-14 【管理】學習不缺席,穩扎穩打變達人
2012-12-15 【管理】寶塔哥個體經濟一精美講義,千呼萬喚隆重推出囉!
2012-11-19 【課程】讓寶塔撫平你選不到個經的受傷心靈!
2012-10-09 【管理】總體經濟學考古題專區
2012-10-09 【管理】經濟學考古題專區
2012-10-09 【管理】個體經濟學考古題專區
2012-07-22 【管理】NTHU OCW誠摯地歡迎您的加入!


張寶塔 教授

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