11002 人文社會學群 中國文學系

白先勇清華文學講座 3〡中西小說經典

楊佳嫻 教授

國立臺灣大學中文所   博士


蔡英俊 教授



羅仕龍 教授





在全球化的數位時代裡,身在台灣的我們如何閱讀並理解中西小說經典?我們可以與經典名作建立什麼樣的交流和對話?由台 積電文教基金會贊助,清華大學通識中心、中文系、語文中心共同規劃的「白先勇清華文學講座」,將邀請白先勇教授等多位 海內外學者與專家,帶領學生探索中西小說經典的情感世界與思想內涵,領略經典文學傳世之美,拓展古今文化視野,培養清 華學子的人文關懷。   

  Exclusive Sponsorships: TSMC Education and Culture Foundation


Course Description 



In the digital age of globalization, how can we in Taiwan read and comprehend the essence of Chinese cultural classics? What kind of communication and dialogue can we establish with these classic masterpieces? Sponsored by TSMC Education and Culture Foundation, jointly planned by the General Education Center, Department of Chinese Literature, and Language Center of National Tsing Hua University, the "Pai Hsien-Yung Tsing Hua Literature Lectures" will invite Professor Pai Hsien-Yung and many other scholars and experts from both domestic and international backgrounds to lead students in exploring the emotional world and intellectual content of Chinese cultural classics, appreciating the enduring beauty of literary masterpieces, broadening their perspectives on ancient and modern cultures, and nurturing humanistic care among Tsing Hua students.

Under the guidance of Professor Pai Hsien-Yung, this course will be taught through thematic lectures by various professors. On one hand, it aims to provide students with diverse perspectives, exploring the cultural vitality demonstrated by classic works from various aspects, such as literature, history, aesthetics, art, social life, modern technology, and theories. On the other hand, it aspires to lead students to closely examine the texts, return to the classics themselves, and combine contemporary thinking to deeply understand the aesthetic taste, life insights, and shared emotions contained in literature.

The course is designed with a thematic progression, with each class resembling a specialized lecture, enabling students to immerse themselves in the intricate and elegant world of Chinese cultural classics through the professors' comprehensive guidance. Additionally, to ensure that students fully grasp and absorb the content of each lecture, after each speech, Ph.D. candidates from the Department of Chinese Literature will be assigned as teaching assistants to read and explain relevant passages and provide detailed interpretations of the texts. This way, even students who have never encountered these classics before can use this opportunity in the general education course to catch a glimpse of the profundity of classical literature and enjoy the pleasure of classic reading. For those who have read related classics before, they can rediscover the brilliance of these classics through the insights of dedicated scholars and experts who have spent years in profound research.



 Classic Cultural Reading Selections Handouts by Instructor




Teaching Method

 The first two hours are conducted in a lecture format by the course instructor or invited experts and scholars.
 In the third hour, the teaching assistant will guide the reading of related excerpts to help students fully understand the course material.




 Each instructor will teach for 1-2 weeks.
 The topics for each unit, detailed dates, and weekly reading assignments will be explained during the beginning of the semester.
1. 選讀小說必須已經過時間考驗且為公認經典,近年來仍在流行尚未定案的作品不列入課程
 The selected novels must have stood the test of time and be recognized as classics.
 Works that are still popular in recent years but have not yet been established as classics will not be included in the course.
 Considering the students' level and interests, overly heavy or lengthy classic works will be avoided,
 and carefully selected, appropriate translations will be used.
 In principle, the course will cover both Chinese and Western novels, with a slight emphasis on Western literature. . The focus will primarily be on works from English, American, French, German, and Russian literature. The Chinese novels will mainly be modern and contemporary works




 1週 / 2月16日 
 ♠ 文學與歷史—《臺北人》中的歷史滄桑
 Literature and History—The Historical Legacy in TaipeiPeople
 Pai Hsien-Yung Tsing Hua Literature Lectures
2週 / 2月23日 
♠ 臺灣的憂鬱—陳映真小說與臺灣60年代文學
 The Melancholy of Taiwan—Chen Ying-Zhen's Novelsand 1960s Taiwanese Literature
 Pai Hsien-Yung Tsing Hua Literature Lectures
3週  / 3月2日 
♠ 台灣的魯迅
 The Lu Xun of Taiwan
 Professor Chen Fang-Ming
4週 / 3月9日 
♠ 曖昧的笑聲:老舍短篇小說的笑謔藝術
 Ambiguous Laughter: The Art of Humor in LaoShe’s Short Stories
 Professor Mei Chia-ling
5週 / 3月16日 
♠ 愛玉的灰燼書寫:張愛玲《第一爐香》
 The Ashes of Aiyu: Writing in Zhang Ailing’s TheFirst Incense
 Professor Chang Hsiao-hung
6週 / 3月23日 
♠ 文學中的性/權力啟蒙
 Sex and Power in Literature: An Enlightenment
 Professor Li Ang
7週 / 3月30日 
♠ 文學的現此時:黃春明和他的小說
 The Present Moment in Literature: Huang Chun-Mingand His Novels
 Professor Su Shu-bin
8週 / 4月6日 
♠ 全校停課一天
 University-wide Day Off
 Intercollegiate Activity Week
9週 / 4月13日 
♠ 你我尚未看到的世界:珍.奧斯汀小說中那些遮掩的與被顯現的
 The Unseen World: The Hidden and Revealed inJane Austen's Novels
 Professor Chang Hui-ching
10週  / 4月20日 
♠ 錢的懦弱、愛的潰敗—閱讀《大亨小傳》
 The Weakness of Money, the Defeat ofLove—Reading The Great Gatsby
 Professor Hu Shu-wen
11週 / 4月27日 
♠ 沒有對手的人生是不值得活的:解讀海明威與《老人與海》
 A Life Without Rivals Is Not Worth Living:Interpreting Hemingway and The Old Man and the Sea
 Professor Yang Chao
12週  / 5月4日 
♠ 作文如作曲,小說與歌劇:談福樓拜《包法利夫人》的寫作與引用
 Writing Like Composing, Novels and Operas:Discussing the Writing and Quotations
in Flaubert’s 
Madame Bovary
 Professor Chiao Yuan-Pu
13週 / 5月11日 
♠ 契訶夫短篇小說導讀
 An Introduction to Chekhov’s Short Stories
 Professor Tung Wei-Ge
14週  / 5月18日 
♠ 從莎士比亞到卡夫卡 ‧西方經典與東方戲曲的跨文化碰撞
 From Shakespeare to Kafka: The Cross-CulturalCollision of Western Classics and Eastern Opera
 Professor Wu Hsing-Kuo


 15週 / 5月25日 
♠ 威陰暗與絕美:從《魂斷威尼斯》談創作的自我救贖
 Darkness and Beauty: Discussing Self-Redemptionin Death in Venice
 Professor Kuo Chiang-sheng
 16週 / 6月1日 
♠ 都柏林人
 Professor Tsai Ying-Chun
 17週 / 6月8日 
♠ 辦理教學活動
 Organizing Teaching Activities
 Flexible Use
 18週 / 6月15日 
♠ 期末考停課
 Final Exam Week


Grading Assessment

 There will be no midterm or final exams, but there will be multiple quizzes throughout the semester to
 assess whether students have read the novels discussed in class after going home. The purpose of the quizzes is not to fail students but to encourage the habit of regular novel reading. The quiz content will be based on the novels and class discussions, primarily in the form of multiple-choice questions.
 Since the guest lecturers for this course are carefully selected and highly distinguished, students are expected to attend every class as a sign of respect. This course places significant emphasis on class attendance as part of the overall assessment.



  • 台積電文教基金 (SMC Education and Culture Foundation)
  • 白先勇 (Pai Hsien-Yung)
  • 中文小說 (Chinese Novels)
  • 西方小說 (Western Novels)
  • 現代文學 (Modern Literature)
  • 臺北人 (Taipei People)
  • 陳映真 (Chen Ying-Zhen)
  • 魯迅 (Lu Xun)
  • 張愛玲 (Zhang Ai-ling)
  • 包法利夫人 (Madame Bovary)



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楊佳嫻 教授

蔡英俊 教授

羅仕龍 教授

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