11002 工程學群 電機工程學系


馬席彬 教授

國立清華大學電機工程學系  教授 
台灣大學電機學系     博士

【網站】 http://www.ee.nthu.edu.tw/~hp/
【專長】 生醫電子系統及穿戴式應用、生醫訊號處理及健康資訊、數位系統設計




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Course Description 
This course introduces the basic theory of digital logic design and the implementation of logic circuit. In the beginning, binary number systems, simple boolean algebra, and switching functions are presented.The optimization method for combinational logic, which is the most important portion of the digital logic design, will be presented in detail in this section. Then, basic storage registers such as D-latch, D-flip-flop etc will be introduced in the section of the synchronous sequential logic, which will form a foundation for useful control technique - finite-state machine. After that combination logic and sequential circuits are combined to support number control in the digital system.
Thedesign for the registers and counters are taught in different types. Memory is the very traditional digital element in the IC circuit, and the basic operations of read, write, and error protection will be demonstrated. In the same section, the programmable devices FPGA will be introduced. Finally, the basic description of digital logic, Register Transfer Level, will be introduced, which will form the basic concept to develop the digital system through the hardware description language. 
Teaching Method 

♠ 01-1  Digital Systems and Information: Digital Systems & Digital Signals
♠ 01-2 Digital Systems and Information: Data Representation - Number Systems
♠ 01-3 Digital Systems and Information: Data Representation - Codes
♠ 01-4 Digital Systems and Information: Arithmetic Addition and Subtraction
♠ 02-1 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates (1/2)
♠ 02-2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates (2/2)
♠ 03-1
Gate Level Minimization (1/2)
♠ 03-2 Gate Level Minimization (2/2)
♠ 04-1 Combinational Logic (1/3)



  • 邏輯設計
  • Logic Design
  • Logic Optimization
  • Combinational Logics
  • Sequential Logics



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馬席彬 教授

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