10901 工程學群 工程與系統科學系


李敏 教授

國立清華大學工程與系統科學系  特聘教授
美國麻省理工學院核子工程       博士

【經歷】 國立清華大學主任秘書
【網站】 http://nes.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1356-10566-1.php
【授課】 熱力學、能源核電與輻射、當代科技爭議、核工原理、工程
【專長】 爐心熱流、核能系統、可靠度評估、雙相流、電腦模擬計算



熱力學為探討能量的入門科目. Thermodynamic 本身的含義即為熱與功. 熱力學是在探討熱與功之間的轉換等....Thermodynamics is the basic subject to explore the concept of “energy”. The word “Thermodynamics” means heat and work – thus Thermodynamics discusses the transformation between heat and work…


         Course Description 

熱力學為探討能量的入門科目. Thermodynamic 本身的含義即為熱與功. 熱力學是在探討熱與功之間的轉換. 由於熱與功之間的轉換需借助物質, 也就是說能量以物質為媒介才能轉換, 熱力學衍生為物質特性與能量間的關係. 本科目的重點在於介紹能量的觀念, 說明熱力學第零,第一,第二,第三定律與其應用; 如何決定物質的狀態(state) 以及所具有的能量, 用於熱力學第一與第二定律的分析; 以及推導Thermodynamic Relations,以及如何利用 Thermodynamic Relation 決定物質的 Property.

Thermodynamics is the basic subject to explore the concept of “energy”. The word “Thermodynamics” means heat and work – thus Thermodynamics discusses the transformation between heat and work. Since the transformation between heat and work requires matters (medium), Thermodynamics can also involve the relationship between matters’ properties and energy. This course will introduce: 

1. The concepts of energy
2. The 0th, 1st, 2nd laws of Thermodynamics and their applications
3. How to determine a matter’s state and its energy and use this knowledge

in the analysis of the 1st, 2nd laws of Thermodynamics
4. Determine the matter’s property with the concept of Thermodynamic Relation

 Text Books / References

Michael J. Moran; Howard N. Sphapiro, Daisie D. Boettner, Margaret B. 

Bailey, "Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics" Global Edition, 

John Wiley  & Sons Inc., 2018.

Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles, "Thermodynamics; an Engineering Approach,

" 8th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2015. Richard E. Sonntag,  Claus Borgnakke, and Gordan J.Van Wylen, 

"Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics," 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002.


Teaching Method

  Lecturing in the classroom




Chapter 1 Getting Start: Introductory Concepts and Definitions
Chapter 2 Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics 6 #3 
Chapter 3 Evaluating Properties 
Chapter 4 Control Volume Analysis Using Energy
Chapter 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics 
Chapter 6 Using Entropy
Chapter 11 Thermodynamic Relations 




  • 熱力學
  • Thermodynamics
  • Introductory Concepts and Definitions
  • Evaluating Properties
  • Control Volume Analysis Using Energy
  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Using Entropy
  • Thermodynamic Relations



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李敏 教授

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