10502 人文社會學群 藝術與設計學系


高榮禧 教授


國立清華大學藝術與設計學系    教授
法國巴黎大學索爾邦         藝術史博士

【專長】 藝術治療、藝術心理學、美學專題研究、藝術治療



尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!

◆介紹寫實主義,主要代表作家─巴爾札克、庫爾貝、列賓、分析他們的畫 作、巴比松畫派代表畫家、繪畫題材與觀點上的轉變、剖析寫實主義對時間與動態的看法、與古典主義的比較,以及各畫派興盛時期  
◆ Introduce the Realism, the main artists- Honoré de Balzac, Gustave Courbet, and Ilya Yafimovich Repin. Analyze their works. The representation artists of École de Barbizon, and the changes of the works' topics and the ideas. Analyze Realism ideals and compare with Classicism. Introduce the groups in prosperous times.
◆介紹象徵主義,三位代表畫家─波克林、雷東、莫侯,分享伊底帕斯王的故 事 
◆介紹印象派與代表畫家─馬內 《草地上的午餐》、《奧林匹亞》 
◆ Introduce Symbolism, the three main artists Arnold Böcklin, Odilon Redon, Gustave Moreau. Share the story of Sophocles's Oedipus the King.
◆Introduce Misogynism—the stories of Salome and Hamlet.
◆ Introduce Impressionism and the main artists -- Édouard Manet “Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe” and “Olympia”
◆ Introduce Impressionism and the main artists and the representative works-- Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Camille Pissarro. 
◆介紹十九世紀下半葉,世紀末的藝術,與重要代表雕塑家─羅丹 《青銅時代》、《老娼婦》、《巴爾札克》、《加萊市民》、《地獄門》
◆ Introduce the important representative sculptor in late 19th century-- Auguste Rodin “Bronze Age”, “The Old Courtesan”, “Honoré de Balzac”, “The Citizen of Calais”, and “The Gate of Hell”
◆ Introduce Camille Caudel (the assistant of Auguste Rodin), and the emotion with Auguste Rodin. 
◆ Introduce Wiener Secession and the main artists and the representative works-- Gustav Klimt “Judith I” and the other landscape paintings.
◆ Introduce the images of females in the late century, and the skills in printings and the morality.
◆ Introduce the important representative artists in late 19th century--Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse—the autobiography, the special ideals at works, the styles, and so on.
◆ Introduce the important representative artists in late 19th century--Edvard Munch “The Sick Girl”, “Skrik”, “Madonna”, and “Death of Marat”. The effect to the history of art, and the evaluation from others, the effect to the expressionism.
◆介紹現代繪畫之父─塞尚其藝術理念、形式主義之美學、其藝術主張、繪畫風格、作品分析、印象派繪畫技巧與色彩的嘗試、與其他派別的關聯,以及其人物畫的畫面分析 。
◆ Introduce the father of modern painting-- Paul Cezanne—the ideals of arts, the Formalism, the views of art, the styles, the analysis, the Impressionism printing skills, relation with other groups, and the analyze of the figure paintings.
◆介紹後印象與其代表人物─高更其生平、繪畫所受的影響、繪畫技巧與繪畫風格 ,及其代表畫作《天使與雅各的糾打》
◆ Introduce the post- Impressionism artists-- Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin—the autobiography, the printing skills and styles at works, and the representative works “Jacob Wrestling with The Angel”.
◆ Introduce the post- Impressionism artists-- Vincent Willem van Gogh—the autobiography, the autobiography, the printing skills at works, Oedipus complex, the imitating, and the representative works. 
◆ Introduce Les Fauves and the representative artists Pablo Ruiz Picasso and Henri Matisse—the works analysis, the matching works, Expressionism.
◆ Introduce the influence Chinese Art on Les Fauves
◆ Introduce the Expressionism representative artists-- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Paul Klee—the printing styles and characteristics.
◆ Introduce the influence on Expressionism representative artists Paul Klee and his creative characteristic.
◆ Introduce the Expressionism representative artists-- Paul Klee and Edvard Munch—the representative works and the works analysis.
◆介紹畢卡索各個畫風時期的作品、早期的代表作品、《亞維農的少女》、《三樂師》、《格爾尼卡》、 以女性為主題的創作、模仿古代大師的系列作品、超現實主義
◆ Introduce the characteristic and the printing ideals and skills in Cubism. 
◆ Introduce Pablo Ruiz Picasso works in different ages—the early “Les Demoiselles d'Avignon”, “Three Musicians”, and “Guernica”. The works topic is the females, and it imitates classical masterpiece series of works. Surréalisme. 
◆Replenish “Guernica” and introduce the Surréalisme.
◆Introduce Pablo Ruiz Picasso imitates masterpiece series of works.
◆ Introduce Expressionism and the representative artists-- Kandinsky Wassily—the experience, the ideas of composition, the ideas of paintings, the art values and series of works.
◆ Introduce De Stijl and the representative artists--Piet Cornelies Mondrian—the works styles, the painting views, the styles of changing, the influence on the history of art, clothes,architectures, the furniture designs, and the analysis works. 
◆介紹超現實主義的三點基本概念、其點創作精緻的屍體、代表作品《Hegel's Holiday》、《L'origine de la pendule》分析、代表畫家馬格利特與黑格爾、代表作家布賀東與黑格爾、代表藝術家曼‧雷、歐本漢、恩斯特
◆ Introduce the three main concepts of Expressionism and the representative works analysis-- “Hegel's Holiday” and “L'origine de la pendula”. The representative artists-- René François Ghislain Magritte, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, André Breton, Hegel, Man Ray, Meret Oppenheim, and Max Ernst.
◆ Introduce Max Ernst experience short video EMAK-BAKIA
◆ Introduce Avant-garde Art and the representative artists Walter Benjamin
◆ Introduce and analyze the video “Dogs” which is Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali cooperation. 
◆ Introduce the father of the post-modern art-- Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp—the contribution in the history of Art, the creative in works, the effect on the art concepts. The representative works “The Large Glass” and “Nude Descending a Staircase”. The meaning within works and influence the future arts. Dadaism. 
◆ Introduce Surréalisme the origin, the concept, the creative skill, the creative idea, the meaning, the intension, the metaphor, and the representative artists Max Ernst and Giorgio de Chirico.
◆ Introduce Surréalisme representative artists Salvador Dali works—meaning, the metaphor, the relationship, the intention, and the homosexual plot.
◆ Introduce Sigmund Freud effect: the subconscious, the dream, the Rapid Eye Movement. 
◆介紹超現實主義代表畫家馬格麗特的作品《On the Threshold of Liberty》、《人類的狀況》畫作分析
◆ Introduce Surréalisme representative artists René François Ghislain Magritte works—“On the Threshold of Liberty” and “The Human Condition”
◆ Introduce the brief history of sculpture art
◆ Introduce representative sculptors and sculpture works: Constantin Brancusi, Henry Spencer Moore, and Alberto Giacometti 
◆介紹超現實主義代表畫家馬格麗特與其作品《Time Transfixed》畫面分析、繪畫空間技巧
◆ Introduce Surréalisme representative artists René François Ghislain Magritte works and the printing skills— “Time Transfixed” 
◆ Introduce the concept art and the representative artist Yves Klein  
◆ Jackson Pollock’s the dropping painting method, the similar with Chinese aesthetics.
◆ Abstract Expressionism representative artists: Willem de Kooning, Barnett Newman, and Arshile Gorky.
◆ Feminism representative artists and works: Judy Chicago, Cindy Sherman, and Frida Kahlo
◆ Neo expressionism backgrounds, characteristics, and representative artists. 
◆ Installation art representative artists Arman and the works “Long Term Parking”
◆ Feminism artists show women, including Dolen “Relexing” and Leonor Fini “la lecon d'Anatomie” and “The Fish Eyes”
◆ Feminism artists Leonor Fini and Cindy Sherman works analysis. The reflection of the Actionists Yoko Ono and the female photographer Nacy Weber.
◆Philip Roth “The Dying Animal” and other Feminism representative artists’ works




  • 西洋美術史
  • History of Western Art
  • 寫實主義
  • 象徵主義
  • 印象派
  • 野獸派
  • 超現實主義



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高榮禧 教授

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