10401 工程學群 工業工程與工程管理學系


桑慧敏 教授


國立清華大學工業工程學系  教授 
美國普渡大學工業工程   博士 

【經歷】 國立清華大學81傑出教學獎
【授課】 品質管制,系統模擬,機率與統計.工程統計一
【專長】 資料分析,機率統計與模擬理論與應用



尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!If you are seek for your interests, then prepare advanced so that you can lead the race right at starting line! Do you want to pursue more professional knowledge outside the textbooks?


The course will be taught primarily from CLASS NOTES
Reference books

♠  Flexsim 系統模擬技巧入門, 皮托科技, 2015
  Flexsim Manu
Barry L. Nelson, Stochastic Modeling, McGraw-Hill International 

Editions, 1995.
Law and Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis,

McGraw-Hill, 2000.
  桑慧敏, 機率與推論統計學原理, McGrawHill, 2007
  Prerequisites: Probability at the level of IE 203, statistics at the level 

of IE 204, 
  computer programming at the level of IE 201.
  Content: IEEM531100 focuses on learning simulation softwares 

(inlcude MS Excel, Flexsim, andR to solve stochastic systems. 

Simulation input modeling and output analysis are also included inthis course)
  Computers: Programming assignments need to use simulation 

languages such as MS Excel,Flexsim, and R.




  • 系統模擬
  • System Simulation)
  • 常態分配
  • normal distribution
  • 中央極限定理
  • Central Limit Theorem



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桑慧敏 教授

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