【工數苦手的救星,讓你無痛學習】糟糕!想到場論就感到腸絞痛,講到偏微方程式就覺得偏頭痛,考到複變就一肚子宿便?怎麼工程遇到數學就這麼難懂?嘿!別緊張!需要熟門熟路的領隊帶你走!讓清大嚴大任教授帶你在學習工數的路上,不再處處碰壁,不必黯然神傷!Field Theory makes you feel stomachache? Partial differentiation equations always pulsate your headache? Complex analysis lets you consult for constipation diagnosis? Let Prof. Yen stops your painful experience in learning Engineering Mathematics.
♠ | The subject of Engineering Mathematics is comprised of five parts within two semesters: |
1. Ordinary Differential Equations | |
2. Linear Algebra | |
3. Multivariable Calculus and Field Theory | |
4. Fourier Methods and Partial Differential Equations | |
5. Complex Variable Theory | | |
In Engineering Mathematics II, we focus on “Multivariable Calculus and Field Theory”, “Fourier Methods and Partial Differential Equations”, and “Complex Variable Theory” to cover the rationale and of particular the engineering applications. The detailed schedule of this semester is listed below: