Incorporated with the trend of business globalization and market internationalization, this course will not only illustrate the fundamental issues of logistics management, but also involve global logistics management, such as the theory and practice of global freight management, the role of governments in global logistics management, documents of importing and exporting, financial and security supporting system. It makes students gain professional knowledge of fundamental logistics management and advanced global logistics management.
Incorporated with the trend of business globalization and market internationalization, this course will not only illustrate the fundamental issues of logistics management, but also involve global logistics management, such as the theory and practice of global freight management, the role of governments in global logistics management, documents of importing and exporting, financial and security supporting system. It makes students gain professional knowledge of fundamental logistics management and advanced global logistics management.
Course Description
Course Description
Incorporated with the trend of business globalization and market internationalization, this course will not only illustrate the fundamental issues of logistics management, but also involve global logistics management, such as the theory and practice of global freight management, the role of governments in global logistics management, documents of importing and exporting, financial and security supporting system. It makes students gain professional knowledge of fundamental logistics management and advanced global logistics management.
♠ | 不同業種之物流通路 |
(含資訊產業、家電產業、日用雜貨業、醫藥業、圖書出版業) | |
The logistics of different businesses (including information, electronic goods, grocery, medical, and publisher) | |
♠ | 企業物流活動 |
(含進貨、倉儲、訂單處理、揀貨、盤點、理貨加工、分貨、配送) | |
Business logistics activities (including purchase, storage, order management, order picking, inventory count, process,delivery, and shipping) | |
♠ | 各類物流運輸 |
(含公路運輸、空運、海運、鐵路運輸、宅配與快遞) | |
Transportation of every type of logistics (including land freight, air freight, ocean freight, trail freight, home delivery, express) | |
♠ | 物流相關後勤與資訊管理 |
(含硬體設計、軟體資訊系統) | |
Logistics and information management (including hardware design and software system) | |
♠ | 全球運籌總論與全球運籌通路 |
General global logistics and channel | |
♠ | 進出口作業與流程 |
(含承攬、報關、保稅等作業) | |
(including lump-sum, customs clearance, and bond etc.) | |
♠ | 物流產業案例與全球運籌案例剖析 |
| Analysis of Logistics Industry Cases and Global Operations Cases |
♠ | 蘇雄義、賈凱傑,全球運籌:國際物流管理,華泰文化事業公司 (Hwa-Tai Publishing Co.), |
Taipei,ISBN 9576095751。 | |
♠ | 張力元、侯建良,台灣物流市場 (Taiwan Distribution Market),華泰文化事業公司 (Hwa- |
Tai Publishing Co.),Taipei,ISBN 957-609-365-1。 | |
♠ | Stock, J. R. and Lambert, D. M., Strategic Logistics Management, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill |
| Higher Education. |
♠ | Shong-Iee Su, Kai-Chieh Chia, Global Logistics Management, Hwa-Tai Publishing Co., Taipei, |
ISBN 9576095751 | |
♠ | Charles V. Trappe, Hou, Jiang-Liang, Taiwan Distribution Market, Hwa-Tai Publishing Co., |
♠ | Taipei, ISBN 957-609-365-1 |
| Stock, J. R. and Lambert, D. M., Strategic Logistics Management, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill |
| Higher Education. |