10302 人文社會學群 通識教育中心


李承龍 教授

國立清華大學通識中心         教授 
國立清華大學生醫工程與環境科學      博士 

【經歷】 美國康州紐海芬大學李昌鈺鑑識科學研究院 訪問學者
美國康州警政廳刑事科學實驗室 訪問科學家 
【網站】 https://reurl.cc/9rG4KY



福爾摩斯見微知著的觀察力總讓你崇拜不已嗎?工藤新一精確的推理過程一直使你心醉神迷嗎?《CSI犯罪現場》的採證技術都讓你感到驚奇無比嗎?那你絕對不能錯過在現實中體驗故事情節的大好機會!如果你覺得精妙的破案只能在影集中出現破除迷思就在這! Do you admire Sherlock Holmes’s meticulous observation, detective Conan’s accurate reasoning or Crime Scene Investigation’s evidence collecting technology? Then you can’t miss this great opportunity to experience the story plot in real life! If you think solving the crimes sophisticatedly only appear in films, you must take this course to dispel the myth!
        Course Description 
   犯罪偵查科技泛指與偵辦案件相關的應用科技。近年來由於CSI(犯罪現場調查)等犯罪調查影集的流行,社會大眾對於當中目眩神迷的辦案科技印象深刻,但在真實世界的科技是否相同?『神奇』的辦案科技應如何區分真假?凡事講求科學證據的現代社會,熟悉『犯罪偵查科技』將有助於瞭解科學搜證的真諦。 懂得運用科技、發揮物證的證據力,不僅可以保護自己,更能協助他人,是大學通識課程講求全人教育,最不可或缺的一門課。   
      Recently, due to the popularity of crime investigation series, such as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, the public are impressed by the fascinating investigation technology in the drama. Such investigation technology is so-called Crime Investigation Technology, which refers to the application technology related to investigation cases. 
However, are those investigation technology the same as that of in the real life? How can we differentiate those investigation technology between true and false? In modern society where everything is scientific evidence, being familiar with Crime Investigation Technology would be helpful for understanding the true meaning of forensic science. By knowing how to make good use of technology and physical evidence, we can not only protect ourselves but assist others. Also, this course is the most indispensable one that fit in the idea of Holistic Education which university general education emphasized.  
   「犯罪偵查」包含自然科學與社會科學等跨領域的知識範疇,具有高度整合性的學術內涵,以偵查原理、偵查科技、偵查法學與現場偵查為核心領域,課程中藉由犯罪現場調查的過程,分析各類犯罪模式及現場物 證, 並討論最佳的偵查技巧和科技。經由案件偵查管理的探討,強化偵查作為和運用科技,可以促動犯罪偵防的機制。 
      Crime Investigation includes interdisciplinary knowledge of natural science and social science, which has a highly integrated academic connotation, with investigation principles, investigation technology, forensic investigation, crime scene investigation as its core areas. Through the process of crime scene investigation, we would analyze different crime patterns and on-site physical evidence, then discussing the best investigation techniques and technology in this course. By probing into Investigation Case Management, strengthening the investigation techniques and technology can promote the detection and prevention of crime.
    Besides discussing all advanced investigation technology, this course would have deeper discussion about drug issue and digital images issue, which are issues of current concern. Also, with actual cases and the teacher’s rich experience in case handling, this course would introduce the whole picture of crime investigation and learn how to collect physical, chemical and biological key traces through on-site preservation and investigation. By the identification results of physical evidence and logical reasoning as well as rules of thumb, we can achieve crime reconstruction and discover the truth of the crime.  
    This course aims to motivate students’ interests in scientific investigation and to cultivate the correct forensics concepts, and also to train them with abilities of thinking independently, collecting information and problem solving. 
        Text Book 
 "Forensic Science Today” Student Edition, Second Edition, Dr. Henry C. 
 Lee,George Taft,Kimberly A. Taylor J.D., Jeanette Hencken July 1, 2009.

 Dr Henry Lee's Forensic Files: Five Famous Cases, Scott Peterson, Elizabeth Smart and More... by Henry C. Lee and Jerry Labriola ( 2 May 2006)
 Investigation and Prevention of Officer-involved Deaths by Cyril H. Wecht, Henry C. Lee, D.P. van Blaricom, and Mel Tucker (7 Dec 2010)
 Real World of a Forensic Scientist: Renowned Experts Reveal What it Takes to Solve Crimes by Henry C. Lee, Elaine M. Pagliaro, and Katherine (1 Aug 2009) 
 Shocking Cases by Dr. Henry Lee and Jerry Labriola ( 15 Jul 2010) 
♠ 神探李昌鈺破案實錄,李昌鈺口述、鄧洪整理,民國95年,時報出版 
♠ 讓證據說話:神探李昌鈺破案實錄2,李昌鈺 劉永毅,民國95年,時報出版 
♠ 重返319槍擊現場,李昌鈺 歐尼爾 夏珍/著 ,民國94年,時報出版
         Teaching Method 
The overall teaching progress is based on Crime Investigation, introducing the key points and process of Crime Investigation Technology. First is to establish the theoretical basis for Crime Investigation, then analyzing crime patterns with on-site investigation, investigation principles, and investigation technology, and then discuss various types of Crime Detection Techniques in a thematic manner.
The course requires students to collect and organize their feedbacks, homework, references in a digital way, so that they can reflect and elevate their thoughts and specifically showing the difference before and after attending the course, presenting the learning process and results. About midterms and finals, students would have presentations to review the course contents. By deducing and simulating all kinds of situations, students would gain the ability of logical reasoning and establish a complete concept of Investigation Technology. In addition to understanding Crime Investigation Technology and cultivating the ability of logical reasoning, it is far more important for students to learn the ability of self-protection and helping others.


【周    次】

【    進      度  】

周     次】

【     進       度   】

Week  1  課程簡介 WeeK 10 邀請專家演講
Week  2 偵查科技概論  WeeK 11 詐欺偵查科技 
WeeK 3 現場保全及採證  WeeK 12 毒品偵查科技 
WeeK 4 命案偵查科技  WeeK 13 電腦犯罪偵查科技 
WeeK 5 車禍偵查科技  WeeK 14 數位/影像偵查科技 
WeeK 6 綁票偵查科技 WeeK 15 新興犯罪偵查科技 
WeeK 7 火災偵查科技  WeeK 16 3D現場重建 
WeeK 8 性侵害偵查科技  WeeK 17 期末分組討論 
WeeK 9 期中考/期中報告  WeeK 18 期末考/期末報告 




  • 犯罪偵查科技
  • Crime Investigation Technology
  • 巨量資料的應用
  • Application of Big Data
  • 犯罪防治
  • crime prevention
  • 犯罪案例分析
  • analysis of criminal cases
  • 雲端資料安全
  • cloud data security



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李承龍 教授

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