10301 工程學群 資訊工程學系


李家同 教授

國立清華大學資訊工程學系  榮譽講座教授 
美國加州大學柏克萊分校     博士

【經歷】 國立清華大學71、74傑出教學獎
【網站】 http://web.cs.nthu.edu.tw/files/11-1015-310.php
【授課】 通訊概論、類比電路設計入門、英語寫作基本技術、

【專長】 計算方法設計、平行計算方法、自動定理證、通訊理論



Can you imagine that your computer is not connected to any network? Can you imagine that your computer is a network through some wireless technology? Is a hand held mobile phone a phone or a computer? Can our TV become a computer? 
Can you design a computer in which all of the peripheral devices are connected to the computer through wireless communication? 
In this course we will introduction the six topics to Non-Electrical-Engineering Students

1. An Overview of Computer Communication 
  1.1 Analog and Digital Signals 
  1.2 Two Kinds of Media: Electrical and Electromagnetic 
  1.3 Carrier and Modulation 
  1.4 The Real Time and Non-real Time Transmission Problems 
  1.5 The Multiplexing Receiving Problem  
  1.6 The Multiplexing Transmission Problem  
   1.7 The Basic Concepts of Antenna Design 
2. Conversions Between Analog and Digital Information 
  2.1 Pulse Code Modulation 
  2.2 Minimum Sampling Rate-Nyquist Rate 
3. Fourier Representations for Signals 
  3.1 FourierSeries 
  3.2 Fourier Transform 
  3.3 FT Representations for Periodic Signals 
  3.4 The Fast Discrete Fourier Transform 
  3.5 The Physical Meaning of the Fourier Transform 
4. Analog Modulation Techniques 
  4.1 AmplitudeModulation 
  4.2 Double Sideband Suppressed-Carrier (DSB-SC) 
  4.3 Single Sideband Modulation (SSB) 
5. Digital Modulation Techniques 
  5.1 Baseband Pulse Transmission 
  5.2 Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK) 
  5.3 Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) 



Text Books
Introduction to Communications for Non-Electrical-Engineering Students by Mao-Ching Chiu ,
Chia-Tung Lee , Eric S.Li ,Jung-Shan Lin and Tai-Ping Sun 



  • 通訊概論Introduction to Communication
  • 信息转换Digital Information
  • 傅立叶表征对信号Fourier Representations for Signals
  • 模拟调制技术Analog Modulation Techniques
  • 數字調製技術Digital Modulation Techniques
  • 多址通信Multiple Access Communications



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李家同 教授

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