謝倉秀哥大愛無私地奉獻材料熱力學的講義, 幫助學弟妹有效率地學習。老師的講義已經整理好課堂上的內容,若是同學能自己動手記錄下課堂上的重點,配合老師的講義內容,相信更能事半功倍加深記憶。Professor Tsung-Shiew Huang lights up your road of learning Thermodynamics of Materials. Professor Huang’s lecture notes give you wings.
Course Description
Course Description
本課程分兩學期授課,上學期先介紹熱力學三大定律及各種熱力學函數,例如熱容量, entropy,焓及自由能等;並討論單相氣體及凝態系統之熱力學性質o從統計熱力學解釋 entropy之微觀意義,以及partition function與自由能之關係式,並特別舉例說明其應用於熱容量之理論推導o下學期則討論理想與真實溶液之性質,雙元相圖與自由能之關係,化學反應之平衡觀念,特別以固態材料系統為對象,探討其化學反應及相轉變所需考量之熱力學觀念。
This course will be delivered in two semesters. In the first semester, the three laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic functions, such as heat capacity, entropy, enthalpy, and free energy will be introduced. The microscopic meanings of internal energy and entropy are interpreted by statistical thermodynamics. Relationship between partition function and free energy, as well asits application for theoretical derivation of heat capacity will be discussed. And we will also discuss thermodynamic properties of the single phase gas and condensed matter systems. In the second semester, we will discuss the behavior of ideal and real solutions, the relationship between binary phasediagram and Gibbs free energy curves, and the concepts of reaction equilibrium.Thermodynamic concepts for phase transitionsand chemicalreaction are discussed.
This course will be delivered in two semesters. In the first semester, the three laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic functions, such as heat capacity, entropy, enthalpy, and free energy will be introduced. The microscopic meanings of internal energy and entropy are interpreted by statistical thermodynamics. Relationship between partition function and free energy, as well asits application for theoretical derivation of heat capacity will be discussed. And we will also discuss thermodynamic properties of the single phase gas and condensed matter systems. In the second semester, we will discuss the behavior of ideal and real solutions, the relationship between binary phasediagram and Gibbs free energy curves, and the concepts of reaction equilibrium.Thermodynamic concepts for phase transitionsand chemicalreaction are discussed.
Text Book
♠ | D.R. Gaskell: "Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials," 5th ed. |
♠ | R.T. DeHoff, "Thermodynamics in Materials Science," McGraw-Hill, 1993. |
♠ | R.A. Swalin, "Thermodynamics of Solids," 2nd ed., John Wiley&Sons, 1972. |
Teaching Method
♠ 課堂講解
【第1週】 | Ch.1 Introduction and Definitions of Terms (I): |
1. What do we learn from “Materials Thermodynamics”? 2. Classical versus Statistical Thermodynamics, 3. Thermodynamics versus Kinetics. 4. Thermodynamic systems of materials, 5. Thermodynamic variables, 6. Concept of state, 7. How to distinguish a state function. | |
【第2週】 | Ch.1 Introduction and Definitions of Terms (II): |
8. Equation of state of an ideal gas. Ch.2 First Law of Thermodynamics: 1. Energy conversion, 2. Relation between heat and work, 3. First law of thermodynamics, 4. Internal energy (U) and Enthalpy (H), 5. Heat capacity. 6. Reversible Adiabatic Process, 7. Reversible Isothermal Process, 8. Calculation examples for monatomic ideal gas. | |
【第3週】 | Ch.3 Second Law of Thermodynamics (I): |
1. Spontaneous Process and Reversible Process, 2. Entropy and Degree of Irreversibilty, 3. Entropy and Reversible Heat, 4. Reversible Isothermal Compression of Ideal Gas, 5. Reversible Adiabatic Expansion of Ideal Gas. 6. Properties of Heat Engine, 7. Thermodynamic Temperature Scale, | |
【第4週】 | Ch.3 Second Law of Thermodynamics (II): |
8. Second Law of Thermodynamics. 9. Maximum Work for Reversible Process, 10. Criterion for Equilibrium, 11. Combined Statement of 1st and 2nd Laws. | |
【第5週】 | Ch.3 Second Law of Thermodynamics (III): |
12. Calculation Examples. Ch. 4 Auxiliary Functions (I): 1. Defined Functions of H, A, G and their differential equation. 2. Enthalpy and constant pressure heat, 3. Helmholtz Free Energy. | |
【第6週】 | Ch. 4 Auxiliary Functions (II): |
4. Gibbs Free Energy, 5. Summary of Criteria for Equilibrium, 6. Coefficient Relations, 7. Maxwell Relations, 8. Reciprocal and Ratio Relation, | |
【第7週】 | Ch4. Auxiliary Functions(III) |
9. Derived equations: 1st, 2nd , 3rd TdS equations; Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation; cp-cv; and other important equations for ideal gas. 10.General Strategy for Deriving Thermodynamic Relations, | |
【第8週】 | Ch. 4 Auxiliary Functions (IV): |
11. Application to an Ideal Gas, 12. Application to Solids and Liquids, 13. Calculation Examples. | |
【第9週】 | Mid-term exam;Ch.5 Statistical Thermodynamics (I): |
1. Physical Significance of U and S, 2. Entropy and Disorder on an Atomic Scale, 3. Macrostate and Microstate | |
【第10週】 | Ch.5 Statistical Thermodynamics (II): |
4. Determination of the Most Probable Microstate, 5. Partition Function and Boltzmann Equation for Entropy, 6. Heat Flow and Entropy Production, 7. Configurational Entropy and Thermal Entropy, 8. Calculation Examples, 9. Calculation of S, A, U, Cv from Partition Function. | |
【第11週】 | Ch.5 Statistical Thermodynamics (III): |
10. A model with Two Energy Levels, 11. Internal Energy and Heat Capacity of a Crystal, 12. Internal Energy and Heat Capacity of Monatomic and Polyatomic Ideal Gases. | |
【第12週】 | Ch.6 Heat Capacity, Enthalpy, Entropy as a function of T (I): |
1. Heat Capacity, 2. Hp(T), Hp(T) and Q (Heat of Reaction), 3. S(T) and the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, 4. Experimental Verification of 3rd Law. | |
【第13週】 | Ch.6 Heat Capacity, Enthalpy, Entropy as a function of T (II): |
5. Influence of P on H and S, 6. Calculation Examples. | |
【第14週】 | Ch.6 Heat Capacity, Enthalpy, Entropy as a function of T (II): |
1.Thermodynamic Equilibrium, 2.G(T),G(T) at constant P=1 atm, 3.G(P), G(P) at constant T, 4.Phase Equilibrium Between Solid and Liquid, 5.Phase Equilibrium Between Condensed phases and Vapor. | |
【第15週】 | Ch.7 Phase Equilibrium in One Component System (II): |
【第16週】 | Ch.7 Phase Equilibrium in One Component System(III) |
6.Phase Diagram in One Component System 7.Solid-Solid Equilibrium(Allotropy) 8.Calculation Examples. | |
【第17週】 | Ch.8 Behavior of Real Gases(II) |
6.Thermodynamic Treatment of Nonideal Gases, 7.Calculation Examples. | |
【第18週】 | Final Exam. |