課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購 買 資 訊 |
科學計算 | 張智星 |
1. MATLAB程式設計【入門篇】 by Roger Jang 2. Experiments with MATLAB by Cleve Moler 3. Numerical computing with MATLAB by Cleve Moler
♠參考 MATLAB程式設計【進階篇】 by Roger Jang |
指定 1. 2. 3. 參考
應用力學一 | 葉銘泉 |
Vector Mechanics for Engineers-Statics Vector Mechanics for Engineers-Dynamics by Beer, Johnston, Jr., Mazurek and Eisenberg 9th Ed. in SI Units (2010)
1. Engineering Mechanics - Statics/Dyanmics by Hibbeler 2. Engineering Mechanics - Statics/Dynamics by Riley and Sturges 3. Engineering Mechanics - Statics/Dyanmics by Meriam and Kraige 4. Engineering Mechanics - Statics/Dynamics by Tongue and sheppard |
參考 1. 2. 3.
能源核電與輻射 | 李敏 |
1. Richard Wolfson, "Nuclear choice, a Citizen Guide to Nuclear Technology,", The MIT Press, 1993 2.李敏、黃四昌”核能電廠安全及輻射防護” 科學月刊 2011 二月號, 四月號, 五月號數篇介紹核能, 日本福島核子事故的文章
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購 買 資 訊 |
熱傳學 | 王訓忠 | ♣指定
Incropera, F. P., Dewitt, D. P., Bergmann, T. L., and Lavine, A. S., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, (6th ed., 2007) |
計算機結構 | 黃婷婷 |
P.A.Patterson and J.L. Hennessy, leather ipad cases Computer Organization and Design: The Hardway/Software Interface, fourth Ed., Morgah Kauffmann, 2010.
應用力學二 | 葉銘泉 |
Vector Mechanics for Engineers - Dynamics by Beer, Johnston, Jr. and Clausen 9th Ed in SI Units
1. Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics by Meriam and Kraige 2. Dynamics by Tongue and Sheppard
指定 參考 1.
核工原理 | 李敏 | ♣指定
John R.Lamarsh, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. ♠參考
1. K. Almenas & R. Lee, “ Nuclear Engineering- an Introduction”, Springer-Verlag,1992. 2. Kenneth Shultis, Richard E. Faw, "Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering”, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2008
指定 參考 2.
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購 買 資 訊 |
熱物理二 | 林秀豪 | ♣指定
Thermal Physics (second edition, 1980) by Kittel and Kroemer |
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購 買 資 訊 |
個體經濟學一 | 張寶塔 |
蔡攀龍, 張寶塔, 個體經濟學, 第一版, 2005 ♠參考
1. Katz, M.L. and H.S. Rosen, Microeconomics, 3rd Editoin, Irwin, 1998. 2. Perloff, Jeferey M., Mircoeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus, 2nd edition, Pearson International Edition, Addison-Wesley Education, 2011. | 參考 3. |
社會心理學 | 陳舜文 | ♣指定
《社會心理學》,揚智出版社 (tel: 2-8662-6826)。Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert原著。 ♠參考 1.《路西法效應》 (The Lucifer Effect: nderstanding How Good People Turn Evil)。Philip Zimbardo著。孫佩妏、陳雅馨譯。商周出版社。 2.《電醒世界的人》(The Man Who Shocked the World: The Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram)。Thomas Blass著。黃澤洋譯。遠流出版社。 3.《日常生活中的自我表演》(The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life)。Erving Goffman著。徐江敏、李姚軍譯。桂冠出版社。 4.《囚犯的兩難》(Prisoner’s Dilemma:ipad mini case John von Neumann, Game Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb)。William Poundstone著。葉家興譯。左岸文化。 5.《誰說人是理性的》(Predictably Irrational)。Dan Ariely著。周宜芳、林麗冠、郭貞伶譯。天下文化。 Why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts.)。Carol Tavris& Elliot Aronson 著。潘敏譯。繆思出版社。 |
指定 參考
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購 買 資 訊 |
嵌入式系統概論 | 金仲達 | ♠參考
1. David E. Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Addison Wesley, 1999. 2. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. |
電磁學 | 黃衍介 | ♣指定
David K. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics 2nd Ed., Addison Wesley, 1989. ♠參考
Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics 6th Ed, PEARSON Prentice Hall, 2007. (新月圖書,東華書局代理) |
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購 買 資 訊 |
當代認知神經科學:腦與心智 | 焦傳金 |
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind (Third Edition) by Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry, and George R. Mangun (2008, W. W. Norton & Company) |
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購 買 資 訊 |
材料物理性質 | 陳福榮 | ♣指定
Electronic Properties of Materials 4/E by Hummel, Rolf E. |
核能安全 | 李敏 | ♣指定
John R. Lamarsh, Anthony J. Baratta, “Introduction to Nuclear Engineering”, 3rd Edition, Prentice, Inc. 2001 ♠參考 1. S. Glassstone& A. Sesonake, “Nuclear Reactor Engineering”, 4th Ed. Chapman & Hall, 1994 |
材料熱力學二 | 黃倉秀 | ♣指定
"Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials", D.R. Gaskell; 5th Ed. ♠參考 1. R.A. Swalin, "Thermodynamics of Solids", 2nd ed., 1972 2. R.T. DeHoff, "Thermodynamics in Materials Science", 1993
線性代數 | 趙啟超 | ♣指定
G. Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th ed. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2009. ♠參考 1. G. Strang, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson, Brooks/Cole, 2006. 2. S. H. Friedberg, A. J. Insel, and L. E. Spence, Linear Algebra, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003. 3. L. E. Spence, A. J. Insel, and S. H. Friedberg, Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2008
4. S. J. Leon, Linear Algebra with Applications, 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010. |
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購買資訊 |
常微分方程一 | 許世壁 | ♣指定
Sze-Bi Hsu: Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications. World Scientific, 2013, 2nd edition ♠參考 1. Jack Hale: Ordinary Equations |
普通物理一 | 林秀豪 |
1. 豪豬教授筆記 2. Physics for Scientists & Engineers with morden physics 4/E(IE) 2009 by Giancoli
| 指定 |
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購買資訊 |
資治通鑑與兩晉 | 張元 |
1.《資治通鑑》、《晉書》、《世說新語》、《讀通鑑論》的片段。 2. 圖書館中有關《資治通鑑》之書籍、論文等。
課 名 | 老 師 | 指 定 與 參 考 用 書 | 購買資訊 |
材料熱力學一 | 黃倉秀 | ♣指定
D.R. Gaskell: "Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials," 5th ed. ♠參考 1. R.T. DeHoff, "Thermodynamics in Materials Science," McGraw-Hill, 1993. 2. R.A. Swalin, "Thermodynamics of Solids," 2nd ed., John Wiley&Sons, 1972. |
晶體繞射概論 | 黃振昌 | ♣指定
1. Lecture notes 2. Christopher Hammond, "The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction" second edition 1. B.D. Cullity and S.R. Stock," Elements of X-ray Diffraction", 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. 2. Eugene Hecht “Optics”. (Chapter 10) 3. John M. Cowley, “Diffraction Physics”. (Chapter 2)
通訊概論 | 李家同 |
Introduction to Communications for Non-Electrical-Engineering Students by Mao-Ching Chiu ,Chia-Tung Lee , Eric S. Li , Jung-Shan Lin and Tai-Ping Sun