線上人數: 212


09901 人文社會
鄭喜恆 教授

生在世,要做人也要做事,因此不可避免會面臨人類社會生活中與「價值」和「實踐」相關的一些極為根本 for sale、極為普遍的問題,這些問題在傳統的分類中基 本上屬於「倫理」與「政治」這兩個範疇...Living in this world, a person must deal with people and things. Therefore, inevitably facing some extremly fundamental and common problems related to the "value" and "practice" of human social life. Basically these problems in traditional classification belong to "ethics" and "politics"; The purpose that both ethics and political philosophy are searching for is the hope that we can review through rational reflection on the moral law and the thinking of moral which we are used to and accept all withought inspecting; the legitimacy and reaconableness of actual operation of the political and social system.


       Course Description

     人生在世,要做人也要做事,因此不可避免會面臨人類社會生活中與「價值」和「實踐」相關的一些極為根本 for sale、極為普遍的問題,這些問題在傳統的分類中基 本上屬於「倫理」與「政治」這兩個範疇;倫理學與政治哲學之探討的一個目的,是希望以理性反思來檢討我們在日常生活中習焉而不察地接受之道德律與對於道德 的想法、以及實際運作之政治與社會制度的正當性與理據。

    本課程的教學內容分成三個單元。第一單元主要是討論規範倫理學的幾個重要派別,包括效益主義、義務論、自然法理論以及德性倫理學,主要是討論「判斷行為之道德對錯牽涉到哪些因素?」的問題;並且也討論了「道德相對論」與「為何我應該遵守道德?」等後設倫理學議題。第二單元討論幾個政治哲學與應用倫理學的議題,包括「經濟資源的分配正義」、「政府應如何產生」、「個人自由的適當範圍」、「遵守法律是否是道德義務」、 「是否有符合正義的戰爭」、「主權國家的道德正當性何在」、「國族主義的根源與道德理據」。課程的第三單元則是讓同學們使用課程前兩單元所論及的概念與主 張來詮釋與檢視下列文學作品中所包含之倫理學與政治哲學主張︰歐威爾的《一九八四》、卡謬的《瘟疫》以及梭羅的《湖濱散記》。 

The course is divided into three units. The first unit is to discuss several important factions of normative ethics, including utilitarianism, deontology, natural law theory, and virtue ethics. Mainly to talk about " What factors are involved in judging whether the acts are morally right or wrong?" and also discuss about meta-ethics issues like "moral relativism" and "Why should I obey moral laws?" Next, the second unit is to discuss several issues of political philosophy and applied ethics, including "the distributive justice of economic resources,"" how to create a goverment,""the approprite amout of personal freedom," "is it a moral obligation to comply with the law," "can there be a just war,""why do sovereign nations have moral legitimacy," and " the root and moral resonableness of nationalism." Finally, the third unit is to allow students using the concepts and ideas in the previous units to interprete and inspect the ethical and politically philosophical view of the following literature: 《1984》by George Orwell’s, 《La Peste》by Albert Camus, and《Walden》by Henry Thoreau.




  The teaching material is a hand-out referred to and compiled from many books.



        Important Sources  


Only some of the references are mentioned in below:


  An Introduction to Political Philosophy, Jonathan Wolff, Oxford University Press, 1996.
♠   Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, Barbara MacKinnon, Wadsworth, 2001.
♠   The Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations, Robert Nozick, Touchstone, 1989.
♠ 《Walden》, author: Henry Thoreau, translator: Meng,Xiang-Sen, publisher: Laurel Press, 2005
♠ 《1984》, author: George Orwell’s, translator: Wang,Yi-Lin, publisher: 崇文館, 2006
♠ 《La Peste》, author: Albert Camus, translator:, Zhou,Hang-Zhi, publisher: Zhi-Wen press,  




        Teaching Method 

     根據講義講授課程,講課與討論並重;講義會在課前一週公佈於學校提供之課程網頁(http://moodle.nthu.edu.tw/) 以供預習與列印。除了家庭作業,修課同學還必須在課程第三單元的三個主題中選擇兩個來撰寫報告、並且在課堂上摘要報告所撰寫之報告;報告內容不能僅是讀書 摘要或心得,而是要針對所研讀之書籍的內容提出值得解決的問題,然後嘗試根據書中所提供的資源以及其它來源的資源來加以解答。

Lecturing based on the hand-outs, and discussion is equally as important as letures. In the purpose of print and preview, the hand-outs will be uploaded to course website (http://moodle.nthu.edu.tw/) a week before the class. Except for homework, students are required to hand in two reports out of three subjects in unit 3, and make and brief presentation in class. The content should not only be an abstract or reflection, but providing 

some problems connected with the content which are worthy to solve, and try to answer them base on the resources either provided from the book or from other sources.





Unit 1 Issues in Ethics
9/17 1. 道德相對論的理據何在?
9/24 2. 為何我應該遵守道德?
10/01 3. 效益主義與後果論
10/08 4. 義務論
10/15 5. 自然法與自然權利
10/22 6. 德行倫理學與關懷倫理學
10/29 7. 諾奇克(Robert Nozick)論價值(value)與意義(meaning)

9/17 1. What is the reasonableness of moral relativism?
9/24 2. Why should I obey to morla rules?
10/01 3. Utilitarianism and Consequentialism
10/08 4. Deontological Theory
10/15 5. Natural Law and Nature Rights
10/22 6. Moral Ethics and Ethics of Care




Unit 2 Issues in Political Philosophy and Applied Ethics
11/05 1. 經濟上的分配正義︰羅爾斯(John Rawls)的《正義論》
11/12 2.
11/19 3. 對自由加以限制的正當性
11/26 4. 遵守法律是道德義務嗎?論「公民不服從」
12/03 5. 戰爭與和平的倫理學︰論正義戰爭理論
12/10 6. 主權國家的道德正當性
12/17 7.

11/05 1. Distribution Justice in Economics:《A Theory of Justice》by John Rawls
11/12 2. Moral Reasonableness under Democratic System
11/19 3. The right of restrcting freedom
11/26 4. Is it a moral obligation to comply with the law? Discussion about Civil Disobedience
12/03 5. Ethics of war and peace: Discussion about Just War Theory
12/10 6. The moral right of sovereign nations
12/17 7. The root and moral resonableness of nationalism


Unit 3 Issues of Ethics and Political Phylosophy in Literary Works

2/24 1.The extreme of authoritative rule: 《1984》by George Orwell’s
12/31 2.The meaning of life and the love of neighbor: 《La Peste》by Albert Camus

1/07 3. A simple life of accessing to nature:《Walden》by Henry Thoreau

09901 自然科學
林秀豪 教授

對豪豬教授來說,教書是一門藝術,每筆揮毫,都引領著學子走向專業的領域;每次雕塑,都提醒著學子應負的社會責任;每刀刻劃,都傳承著對教學、研究、世界的熱情。豪豬教授的專業傳授,豪豬教授的語重心長,豪豬教授的熱情奔放,全都收錄在此!Teaching is an art performance for professor Hsiu-Hau Lin. Engraving with his passion of teaching and researches, professional knowledge and society duty are deeply carved in student’s mind.


Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Mary Boas.

     I will cover five subjects in the semester:
          (1) Ordinary differential equations
          (2) Tensor analysis
          (3) Partial differential equations
          (4) Special functions
          (5) Complex analysis 
09901 自然科學
高淑蓉 教授

微積分的危機,總讓大家愁眉苦臉,講台上的老師,也憂心忡忡的回望。遇到這種摸不著頭緒的學習情形,歡迎收看【化危機為轉機的: 高淑蓉老師微積分課程】 老師將憂心轉化成嚴格的教學,帶領大家度過數學危機!讓您的愁眉只在一瞬間!Feeling painful for Calculus learning? Now, leaves the sadness behind! Professor Shu-Jung Kao’s Calculus course carries you through the crisis.


Course Description 


Limit,Derivative,Integration,Transcendental funcation,Techniques of 




   Calculus by Salas, Hille, Etgen, top  online 10th Edition







09802 自然科學
焦傳金 / 李家維 教授

Tsinghua University, Taiwan by the UN General Assembly cloud Tsinghua classic courses for you to build a strong faculty and Information Engineering background, allowing you to information UPDATE, win at the starting point!



 Biology 8 edittion Campbell & Reece(Ninth Edition)



Course schedule

Week Topic  
Week 1 Ch27 Bacteria and Archaea                           Li

Week 2

Ch28 Protists

  Ch29 Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land  
Week 3

Ch30 Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants  

  Ch31 Fungi  
Week 4

Ch32 An Introduction to Animal Diversity

  Ch33 Invertebrates  
Week 5

Ch33 Invertebrates 

  Ch34 Vertebrates  

Ch35 Plant Structure, Growth and Development

Ch36 Resource Acquisition and Transport in Vascular Plants
  Ch37 Soil and Plant Nutrition  
Week 7

 Ch38 Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology 

  Ch39 Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals  
Week 8 Midterm Examination(Chapter 26-39)  
Week 9

Ch40 Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function

  Ch41 Animal Nutrition  
Week 10

Ch42 Circulation and Gas Exchange 

  Ch44 Osmoregulation and Excretion  
Week 11

Ch43 The Immune System

  Ch45 Hormones and the Endocrine System  
Week 12

Ch46 Animal Reproduction 

  Ch47 Animal Development  
Week 13

Ch48 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling

  Ch49 Nervous Systems  
Week 14

Ch50 Sensory and Moor Mechanisms 

  Ch51 Animal Behavior  
Week 15
Ch52 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere  Chiao
Week 16

Ch53 Population Ecology

  Ch54 Community Ecology  
Week 17

Ch55 Ecosystems

  Ch56 Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology  

Week 18

Ch55 Ecosystems 

  Ch56 Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology  



09802 人文社會
黃囇莉 教授

想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!開放式課程網站免費提供大學校內課程影片,自由的選擇你有興趣的課程,不受時間、地點限制隨時都能收看!
Want to learn ex-curriculum knowledge? Go adventure in OCW, take your own free college courses at any time and any places.


       Huang Li Li/Areas of expertise

Tsing Hua University, General Education-cum-teacher training center full-time

professor National Taiwan University, Doctor of PsychologyAdjunct Professor of Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University Psychological Society in Taiwan "Journal of Experimental Psychology" chief editor Convener of Taiwan Psychological Association Personality of Social Psychology.

華人本土心理學、人格 / 社會心理學、性別心理學、人際和諧與人際衝突 

  ( 家庭內、組織內及群際間 )、自我與集體自我 ( 族群意識與認同、性別意識與認同)、華人之忍、思維及自我控制、身體意識、身體自主及性騷擾


         Course Description

♠ 心理學是人類試圖反思認識自己的學科之一。人的心理與行為具有生物生理的面

Chinese indigenous psychology, personality / social psychology, 

gender psychology, wholesale replica handbags interpersonalChinese indigenous psychology, personality / social psychology, gender psychology, wholesale replica handbags interpersonal harmony and interpersonal conflict (family, organization and group), self and collective self (ethnic consciousness and identity, gender awareness and recognition), the Chinese forbearance, thinking and self-control, body awareness, their own bodies and sexual harassment

Psychology is a discipline that humans attempt to reflect understand themselves. Human psychology and behavior have an aspect of bio-physiologyand are also influenced by social and cultural environment. Individuals of life are entangled by cognition and emotion, which include the rational and sensational sides. Psychology explores these psychological mechanisms and the causes and consequences.

This course will introduce the knowledge system and branches of contemporary psychology, explore human mind, mental and behavioral phenomena, and provide understanding and guidance of each person’s life performances of daily life.



 Pathways to Psychology. By Sternberg, R. J.(中文版)雙葉書廊出版
  Pathways, published to Psychology By Sternberg, RJ (Chinese Edition) Yeh Yeh Book Gallery


       Teaching Method 

♠ 課堂講授、影片。
  Lectures, films.



♠ 心理學可以告訴你什麼?(大腦神經影片)

What can psychology tell you? (Brain film)
♠ 破滅的浪漫史-演化心理學的故事(大腦迷思與腦側化影片)

Burst of romantic history - evolutionary psychology story

 (brain myth, and the brain side of the film)

Witch and the girl’s replica louis vuitton boundaries - the phenomenology of

perception and the reality (perception of the film)

The difference between waking and dream world - the mystery of human 

consciousness (awareness film)

How humans start from the zero- The rule of learning

Are Human brain and computer similar- human memory (memory video)

Are people really rational - the limitations and breakthrough of thinking and problem solving (idiot scholar film)



09802 自然科學
林秀豪 教授
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Mary Boas. 
     Week 1 :class begins 
     Week 9 :midterm (Chap 2, 3) 
     Week 14 :reading report due 
     Week 18 : Final (Chap 4, 6, 7)  

Class Schedule 
 Chapter 2 Complex Numbers (3 lectures) 
    ‧ Complex numbers – the basics (Sec 1-5) 
    ‧ Complex series (Sec 6-10) 
    ‧ Complex functions (Sec 11-16)
♠ Chapter 3 Linear Algebra (9 lectures) 
    ‧ Linear algebra – introduction (Sec 1) 
    ‧ Matrices and determinants (Sec 2-3) 
    ‧ Vectors, lines and planes (Sec 4-5) 
    ‧ Matrix operations (Sec 6) 
    ‧ Linear operators (Sec 7-8) 
    ‧ Linear vector space (Sec 9-10) 
    ‧ Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Sec 11) 
    ‧ Application of matrix diagonalization (Sec 12) 
    ‧ Group theory (Sec 13-14) 
♠ Chapter 4 Partial Differentiation (4 lectures) 
    ‧ Total differential (Sec 1-4) 
    ‧ Implicit differentiation (Sec 5-7) 
    ‧ Maximum and minimum problems (Sec 8-10) 
    ‧ Change of variables (Sec 11-12) 
♠ Chapter 6 Vector Analysis (5 lectures) 
    ‧ Differentiation of vectors (Sec 1-4) 
    ‧ Gradient (Sec 5-7) 
    ‧ Green’s theorem (Sec 8-9) 
    ‧ Divergence (Sec 10) 
    ‧ Curl (Sec 11) 

♠ Chapter 7 Fourier Series and Transforms (4 lectures) 
    ‧ Periodic functions (Sec 1-4) 
    ‧ Fourier series (Sec 5-8) 
    ‧ Parseval’s theorem (Sec 9-11) 
    ‧ Fourier transform (Sec 12) 


09802 人文社會
劉瑞華 教授
        Course Description
        在近幾十年間,西方的經濟史學界發生了革命性的變化,這項新經濟史的發展致力於將經濟分析與計量資料用在經濟史的研究之上 , 其結果不僅帶給經濟史許多課題新的瞭解 , 也開拓了經濟史新的研究方法。新經濟史發展至今又面臨許多新的反省,我們將從新經濟史的興起討論經濟史的研究方法,特別是近年來發展蓬勃的新制度學派,課程後半部將結合重要之經濟史課題的討論。

Historical Economics is an economic theory which introduces historical problems. This course focuses on theories and methods more than the usual economic history lesson. Hence, it is a basic course that is more suitable for those who want to know economic from history or to know history from economic. Also, it is very suitable for those who want to learn more about the economic history. Welcome all students who are interested in economics and history to take this course.
In recent decades, the Historical Economics in Western has some revolutionary changes. And this is committed to the development of the new economic history of economic analysis and the measurement data which was used in researching the economic history. And the results are not only to bring the economic history subject to a new understanding, but also to open up a new research method in economic history. The development of new economic history is also facing many new reflections. We will discuss the economic history of the rise of new economic history, especially in recent years, and the development of a vigorous school of the new system. The course will combine the latter part of the discussion of the importance of the topics which are related to economic history.


1. North, Douglass C. and Robert Paul Thomas, The Rise of the Western World. 

(Cambridge University Press, 1973) 
2. North, Douglass C., Structure and Change in Economic History

 (New York: Norton, 1981)
3. North, Douglass C., Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic 

Performance (Cambridge University Press, 1990) 



        Teaching Method 

  Students should be prepared to participate in the discussions in class.



09802 人文社會
林文源 教授
Tsinghua classic courses help you build a strong background of science, allow you to keep pace with the latest information, and win at the starting point!



                Why should we explore the relationship between science, technology and society?

  科學與技術對人類的生活有深遠影響,尤其在數位運算、網際網路、基因、奈米等科技高度發展與影響下,今日社會生活的變動更是劇烈。藉由既有科技與社會研究(science, technology and society studies, 簡稱STS)的研究取徑與案例,本課程探討科技的研發、推廣、使用,與社會影響層面,以及其中牽扯的科學家、工程師、廠商、政府、民眾等各種團體的關連。這種思考下,課程一開始由工程師與科學家的活動所建構出的科技世界與視界出發,探討發明、創新活動背後的複雜歷程,再由科學知識與技術物中介隱含的政治與權力關係,思考使用者、公眾、產業、專業的脈絡特質,以及科技爭議辯論,希望提供更為開放思考科技、社會與個人生涯之政治性與可能性。

Science and technology have a profound impact on human life. Especially in the highly developments and influences of technologies such as digital operation, Internet, genetics, nanotechnology, the changes in social life today are even more dramatic. With the existing researches and cases of STS (science, technology and society studies), this course will explore the development, promotion, use and social impact aspect of technologies as well as the associations of scientists, engineers, manufacturers, governments, people, etc. Based on this kind of thinking, the course begins with the technological world built by the engineers’ and scientists’ actions and explore the complex processes behind invention and innovation activities. Then, by understanding the political and power relations implied by scientific knowledge and technology, students can think about the characteristics of users, public, industry, and profession. Students may also learn some debates on science and technology disputes. The professor hopes to provide more open thinking about the politics and possibilities of technology, society and personal career.


This course requires students highly interact and discuss with others. Through case discussions, practical exercises, and arrangements for data collection and analysis, this course hopes to provide science and engineering students with an opportunity to expand their social thinking from their profession-related issues. On the other hand, professor hopes the humanity and social science students can understand how other professions combine with technologies or even provide other possibilities. Professor hoped that this course can become a fusion point, so that the students can start from their own profession and develop the foundation of exploring the technology development. Professor hoped that this will help students become a “Technology-Society person” who has forward-looking, multi-thinking and reflective abilities. 






                Course design and requirements

The course is conducted by reading, group discussion, lecturing, group presentation, film watching and discussion. After the class, the teaching assistant will help each team to prepare the class report discussion. All of the discussion content should be uploaded to the teaching website system.

 課前閱讀  背景講授 課堂小組
 小組報告  評量
 preview background teaching  class discussion   group presentation  evaluation





                       Concepts and class activity map

★概念與案例說明 / Concepts 

 ★   課堂活動  / class activity map






09802 人文社會
趙之振 教授

尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!開放式課程網站免費提供大學校內課程影片,自由的選擇你有興趣的課程,不受時間、地點限制隨時都能收看!


Course Description
       Generally speaking, the philosophy provides some of the more basic concepts or problems in human knowledge or experience and critical reflection. The main purpose of this course is to let students have a general understanding of some of the philosophical concepts and issues with special emphasis on developing his / her ability to think independently about these issues. Long words, we hope that through this course students can do the following:

1. 在閱讀文本的時 候,對其中相關的概念或論題,能恰當地掌握,而不致於有望文


When they read the text, they can properly understand the concept or topic instead of misunderstanding, absorbing without thinking, or connecting the wrong ideas.
2. 能夠初步掌握這些概念或論題之所以產生之脈絡,以及掌握支持或反對這些論題的


The course enables students to grasp these preliminary concepts or topics which results in the connection of context, and to realize the arguments of supportive and oppositive demonstration of these topics. In other words, we hope that students can realize these rational approach of philosophical debate or dialectical development.


We hope that the students can further realize these arguments and provide their own analysis and criticism, and express with a clear and smooth language.
♠ 《哲學概論》( About Philosophy, 8th edition ), Robert Paul Wolff 原著,

譯者與校閱者:郭實渝 / 但昭偉 / 蘇永明 / 林逢祺 / 林福建,總校閱:黃藿,台北:學富文化事業有限公司, 2001 年。
♠ 此外我們可能會就相關的議題,補充一些其他哲學文獻方面的材料。



♠ 《哲學入門九堂課》( What Does It All Mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy )

Thomas Nagel 原著,譯者:黃惟郁,究竟出版社, 2002 年。


Teaching Method  
♠ 教學以演講與討論為主;但我們會定期給學生家庭作業,以考核學生對課程內容理

解的程度。此外,由學生自行組成若干小組(數目視學生人數而定),選定一個題目,撰寫報告,在課堂上宣讀,由另一小組擔任評論,全班師生參與討論。(報告如何進行等細節, 另於課堂上宣佈。)


The course will be conducted by lecture and discussion, but we will regularly give students homework to  evaluate students’ performance on the course. In addition, the students will be divided into groups (the number of groups depends on the number of students), select a topic, write reports, and read in the classroom. Another group will comment on the prsentation, and all class, including the teacher and students will participate in the discussion. (The details of the report will be announced in class.)

♠ 採取循序漸進的方式,針對上述的議題,逐一講授與討論(但議題之次序與內容之




09802 人文社會
嚴震生 教授

Cannot receive the frequency of professor’s audio tone? Always faint on the tough course? Nonstop notes writing drives you crazy?Go to NTHU OCW website and find magicians to turn the boring classes interesting and easy to learn.老師上課語調與你的接收器頻率不對tone,越聽越不懂?艱澀的課程令人昏昏欲睡,抄的筆記更猶如鳳舞龍飛?別擔心,快到 清大開放式課程教學平台 尋找諸位能力高超的魔法師把原本無趣的課程變得 生動活潑 清楚易懂!

        Course Description

(一) 幫助學生熟悉國際時事,並擴大視野 

help students to become familiar with international affairs, and expand the horizons
(二) 透過對國際時事的討論,協助學生發展分析能力; 

through the discussion of international affairs, to help students develop the analytical ability;
(三) 協助學生將其所學應用於日常生活的英語溝通中。 

assist students in their learning in everyday life to communicate in English.

Readings will be drawn from newspapers and magazines, academic journals, 

and Internet reports.

        Important Sources  


        Everyone needs to participate in class discussion of reading which relates to the topic. And professor will help students to correct their pronunciation of words, and analysis plain the reading materials. Students can ask questions and participate in discussions at any time while they might be asked to answer questions. Seemingly, interaction will be the main mode in this course. Also, the participation is extremely important, and it will be a large proportion in the grade.

        In order to let student to be familiar with the way of deciding final grade score, the professor will do some discussions two weeks before the end the semester. In this way, students will be able to know their learning results through qualitative examine. And then, they will be able to find way to improve learning results. 

        1. The Economist
        2. The New York Times
        3. The Washington Post
        4. Christian Science Monitor
        5. BBC News



        In the course in this semester, students need to read some materials which is related to six to eight topics. In addition to participation in the discussion in the class, each student also needs to write three or four reports with two page length. And there will be a discussion every two or three weeks. In order to take the timeliness of rapidly changing of international events into account, it is necessary to follow the development of subjects. And the subjects to be discussed cannot be pre-set. The followings are the possible topics: 
Week 1 The politics of repression in China
  What are they afraid of ?

The economy is booming and politics stable. Yet China’s leaders seem edgy.

Week 2 
 Niger Capital Is Calm After Coup 

Niger : When is a Coup not a Coup? The AU’s Dilemma

Week 3
Niger : When is a Coup not a Coup? The AU’s Dilemma 
  Niger : A coup for democracy?
Week 4 Armenian Genocide of 1915: An Overview
Week 5
Congress, Genocide and a Turkish Rift 
  Past imperfect, present tense-Congress reconsiders America’s official position on the 
  Armenian genocide
Week 6 
Next Nobel Peace Prize: Turkey and Armenia?
  Moscow Attack a Test for Putin and His Record Against Terror
Week 7  Dagestan suicide bombings have Russia looking to Putin
Week 8 Dagestan suicide bombings have Russia looking to Putin
  Moscow Attack a Test for Putin and His Record Against Terror
Week 9  The Kremlin’s post-Chechnya challenge
Week10 Using Taiwan Test Scores to Apply to Mainland Universities
 Week11  Taiwan should open its doors to Chinese students, university presidents say
  Taiwan MPs scuffle over Chinese student enrolment
 Week12  The options for a hung parliament 
  who runs Britain?
 Week13  Who runs Britain? 
  British election: What it means for the UK and the US
 Week14  A polity imploding
 Week 15 Review Questions 
  A polity imploding


【6/25-6/27 Calendar】113學年度第1學期第2次選課開始(至27日止)2nd Course Selection Period for 2024 Fall Semester (6/25-6/27)   ♠   【7/1-7/5 Calendar】113學年度暑碩專班上課開始、註冊日、休退學及畢業生免繳學雜費截止2024 Summer In-service Master Program Begins, Registration   ♠   【7/5 Calendar】教師送繳非應屆畢業生112學年度第2學期成績截止Deadline for 2024 Spring Semester Grade Submission   ♠   【7/31 Calendar】112學年度第2學期研究生論文口試結束Thesis Defense Ends   ♠   【7/31 Calendar】112學年度第2學期研究生論文口試結束Thesis Defense Ends   ♠   【8/1 Calendar】113學年度第1學期開始2024 Fall Semester Begins   ♠   【8/15-8/23 Calendar】新生申請113學年度第1學期學雜費減免(至23日止)   ♠   【8/20-8/22 Calendar】113學年度入學各級新生、轉學生選課(至22日止)Course Selection for New Students/Transfer Students in Fall 2024 (8/20-8/22)   ♠   【8/26-8/27 Calendar】113學年度第1學期第3次選課開始(至27日止)3rd Course Selection Period (8/26-8/27)   ♠   【8/30-9/13 Calendar】受理校際選課(至9月13日止)Inter-School Selection (8/30-9/13)   ♠   【8/26-8/27 Calendar】113學年度第1學期第3次選課開始(至27日止)3rd Course Selection Period (8/26-8/27)   ♠   【8/26-8/27 Calendar】新生領航營(至27日止)   ♠   【9/2 Calendar】全校各級學生上課開始、註冊日Class Begin, Registration   ♠   【9/2-10/4 Calendar】弱勢助學金申請(至10月4日止)   ♠   【9/17 Calendar】中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival (no class)   ♠   【9/23-11/15 Calendar】期中教學意見反映(至11月15日止) Mid-term Feedback on Teaching (9/23-11/15)   ♠   【9/28 Calendar】教師節Teacher's Day   ♠   【9/10 Calendar】國慶日Double Tenth Day (no class)   ♠   【10/14-11/29 Calendar】期中成績預警開始(至11月29日止)Academic Warning System Starts Sending out Alert (10/14-11/29)   ♠   【10/28-11/15 Calendar】113學年度第1學期申請課程停修開始(至11月15日止)Course Withdrawal Begins (10/28-11/15)   ♠