
Sister Kao’s Lesson-How to Learn Calculus Efficiently

Sister Kao’s Lesson

-How to Learn Calculus Efficiently

    Every semester, NTHU offers more than 15 courses of calculus which is one of the compulsory subjects for those science, technology, economics, and finance majors. Speaking of calculus, the first person coming to NTHU students’ mind is Prof. Shu-Jung Kao, also known as “Sister Kao”.
    Prof. Kao is famous for her conscientious teaching style. She always starts with the concept followed by details of definitions and principles. When introducing a new principle, she will ask her students to utilize the previously learnt principles to prove it, and then solve a related question. These well-regulated steps link one by one tightly. To ensure her students to follow up, Prof. Kao addresses new ideas and reviews old concepts simultaneously. Besides, her conscientious teaching style also obviously reflects on the exams. She believes those who can tell right and wrong are qualified for completion of strict logic training. Meanwhile, Prof. Kao puts emphasis on question-solving ability, and she, therefore, always kindly reminds her students of correct learning attitude and means, which benefits her students greatly.

    Until now, calculus is also a crisis for most of the students. Thus, the current issue of the e-paper reports the interview of the serious and earnest professor, Prof. Kao, who will share the efficient method of calculus learning.
【The Idea of Learning from Prof. Kao】
    Prof. Kao thinks the definition of math comes first before discussion of calculus and said, “I think math is a created game of which rule is definition and principle. If one wants to study math, he needs to understand the rule and obey it. That’s why I always emphasize understanding and memorizing the definition. Unless you are a rule creator or theory establisher, you must know how math was established and how to use it before you really utilize it. Also, calculus is not an exception.”
    Then, Prof. Kao shared the tips of taking note and said, “In class, you have to record the illustration of the theory as completely as you can. The beauty of words doesn’t matter if you can read. Don’t ignore the importance of note and think you just need to read the text book because teachers don’t translate the content of the text book but explain the definition and math. Although books deliver knowledge, understanding words doesn’t means understanding knowledge. In other words, English majors can read every word in a calculus text book, but do they really understand calculus? As a result, take note with every single word to bring teachers’ knowledge home. And review the lesson with your note. After you